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BI Role upload to Portals got messy

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I posted same question on the PCD but got no response so I am reposting this here. we have a Role called Power User and inside there are 10 different folders for each plant and in turn each of these folders have some queries embedded in them. We uploaded this Role into Portals (Netweaver 2004s) and after that our portals page got messy, now it shows 11 tabs, one for the Main Role Power user and then followed by the 10 sub folders. We expected that there would only be one folder visible and then when we double click on it it should show all those sub folders in one window on the left hadn pane (Detailed navigation).

One more thing we notice is that thought the role got uploaded all these tabs are blank when I click on any of them...

Can someone guide what we are missing here....

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Can you tell me how you designed your role ? and its structure

Ex: Role Name

--- Workset1

--- Page1





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Lakshmi these roles are the ones that we have uploaded from the backend BW system....we did not create these roles in the portals....they are just replica of what you see from Bex Analyzer...we followed the document on Role Upload from

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Make sure in BW the role which u import is inside a folder , we had the same problem . There is a setting where in u embedd all the sub folder within a main folder..

When we first uploaded, all roles were coming up as tabs. It looks in BW as if the folder is present, but there is one more setting where u create the folder visible in Portal.



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Jayesh, I checked in BW (PFCG) and actually the sub folders all exist within the main Role Power User...Also when I login to Bex I can see them as a Hierarchy...I dont know if this is what you want me to check? If not please guide to where I can do this or a transaction...

And you mentioned something abt making sub folder visible in portal, where can this be done?

thanks in advance

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Lets sy u have X Role

Under Menu tab in PFCG, do have

Role Menu --

-- First folder

-- Second folder

Can u paste the hierrarchy in PFCG which u get ?

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in PFCG I opened Main Role Power User Queries and when I check Menu tab, it shows this:

Role Menu


Ad Hoc

Cost Cube

Test Query




So in portals I am seeing a tab for Main Role "Power User Queries " and also seperate tabs for each of the sub folders FInace, Ad Hoc, Cost Cube, etc....

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Pls try creating a folder "Test Folder" under Role Menu and then all the other folders namely


Ad Hoc

Cost Cube

Test Query



under that folder , Then upload from Portal

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Thank you I will try your solution and let you know.

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Jayesh, just like you said I created a test folder and all other sub folders went inside test. And now when I upload I do see all sub folders under Test tab. But here is what I notice, when I click on Test tab, it opens a new menu bar just below it and all the other sub folders are seen as tabs under is what is see it as:


Finance Logistics Ad hoc...etc

1. So how to make the second menu bar look like a vertical hierarchy (may be in a detailed navaigation window) instead of as a horizontal menu bar.

2. All of these tabs still do not have any queries embedded in them...they all are blank...can you help me understand what step I missed?

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When u upload from portal, what are the check boxes u clicked ?

Upload included services should be enabled.

Migrate First Folder Level as Entry Point should be enabled

Convert Roles to Worksets should not be enabled

In ur case, i guess u wud have deselected the "Upload included services", so the detail queries are not available

Also getting it in the detailed navigation would require atleast two folder and below that the BW queries.

For Example

Folder u created(Test) --- TLN - First level

Finance, etc.. the folder which u have(Test1) - TLN - Second Level

Under test1 , u can have all ur queries so that they appear in the DLN ( detailed navigation .

Pls check and confirm



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Jayesh Ghodge

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jayesh, I think this may be it, like you said I saw that the entry points were marked as NO and also the Tope Level navigation had 2 Levels selected which is why probably all those sub folders were showing up as tabs...I have found a similar doc on sap help site regarding cnfiguring the TLN and DLN.. I will update you again with the results hopefully we hit the bulls eye this time...Also can you give me your email ID in case of any issues I could reach you? mine is

I am assiginign you 10 points for your help....

- Ram

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Jayesh, on a different topic I wanted to ask you something. Have you faced performance problems when trying to export to excel from Portals. In our case what I see is that for a small query it runs faster but when the query has 15K rows export to excel is very slow abt 15 there anyhting I can do to improve this?

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I got to the point that I can now see the backend Roles in Detailed navigation as required. But the Queries inside them are still missing. Is there are setting on these individual roles (Portal Content->migrated COntent->Role) that I need to set to make them visible?

(I did check the upload included services as well)

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Can u see the queries in content manger ? when u open the role in Portal Content , are they seen there ? If so, check if the visible in navigation properties is set up.



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Can I ask you a question on BI role upload to portal?

Do you upload the BI roles manually? Is it possible to automate BI roles upload in to portal?



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No, I cannot see the Queires in the content manager (Portal Content->Migrated Content

I can only see the Roles there

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Jayesh, am I missing something here...The queries are not seen under Migrated Content but only the Roles

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Can u list the steps u did till now, bcos i feel the queries should be visible as iviews.



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This is what I DId:

1. System Admin -? Role Upload -> SAP ROle Upload

Selected: Upload user mapping

Selected: Upload Included Services

Selected: Selecte First Level nag as Entry Point

Overwrite Existing Role Selected..

Actually I have not paid attention before but I have got some error messages that I missed earlier during Rle Upload:

Severity: Red

Check system configuration for alias: BFSBID100, system: pcd:portal_content/Systemlandscape/ - failed to retrieve logical system idSEVERE: getObject(portal_content/, entry '[RoleMenu, 00000008, , , 00000003, BwReport, SAP_BW_QUERY, BFSBID100_BSA_BW_CONTAINER_CONSUMER_FA_00000008, , BFSBID100, 00000010, 00000002]'.

Severity: Yellow:

Menu definition missing for entry 00000008 in role portal_content/ locale E - text CDS Tonnage Report MC01

What does these messages infer ?

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Are the parameters correctly set up in the BW system created in Portal ? Logical system name , client, SID ?



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Jayesh finally was able to get the issue resolved. The actual Config during system landscape creation was not done properly. So I deleted the existing landscape in Portals and recreated from scrath. Also earlier I had more than one landscape pointing to the same Backend BI system which was also causing the issue earlier. Thanks for your help in resolving the issue...