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Beginner Question

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello, i am a new user of SAp XI and i have a couple of simple questions.

1-Is it possible to import namesapces from one software component to another DIFERENT software component?. i am not intrested to import namespaces from one software component version to another.

2-has some study the demo SAP BASIS 6.40? are the and Namespaces reusable for others product of any nature? do they provide a standart infrastructure?

thank u very much.

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Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Sorry, but i stil don't know how to "copy" one namespace within all its content into a diferent product from its source.

thank u anyway. i glad u had tried to help me.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Pablo,

go to SLD, choose your SWCV in software catalog, open it, choose "Usage dependencies", add the required component (define dependencies) from the offered list (filter criteria!)

(proposal: use "installation time" to add a dependency).

If you cannot choose any button here because it is greyed out, your user does not have enough access rights.

Now the content of the linked SWCV is available for your own SWCV.

Do a refresh and reimport your SWCV in the IR (helped me doing that to work with new dependencies)!

Best regards


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Pablo,

>>>Is it possible to import namesapces from one software component to another DIFERENT software component?.

>>>Namespaces reusable for others product of any nature?

if you want to use parts of one component in another one check this out:

Defining Usage Dependencies

