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SAP Community Downtime Scheduled for This Weekend

Backup Problem

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

In our Production Server, DB13 scheduler had a problem. In scheduler all tapes are initialized properly, i do Database online Backup and Redo log files Backup using Symantec Software.

I do this process every day..I gave Ex: PRD001 in one day, next day the same tape does not ran in same tape name. You Change the another name Ex: PRD1 it working Fine.

What I do this Problem?



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Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos


In this file the parameter defines for the expiration time for previous tape volume. by default it is 30 days. So you can use the same volume name after 30 days or you can change the expiration time then you can use that same volume name after that period



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Subhash,

I done backup job Yesterday as tape name PRD1 it will work,

but today the same tape was not working in PRD1 tape name.

If I gave another name as PRD01 it will workig.

If i gave the same tape name as PRD1 error message as follows,

BR105E 0 free backup volumes found, 1 required

I give to you file as follows,

  1. @(#) $Id: //bas/620/src/ccm/rsbr/ $ SAP


  1. #

  2. SAP backup sample profile. #

  3. The parameter syntax is the same as for init.ora parameters. #

  4. Enclose parameter values which consist of more than one symbol in #

  5. double quotes. #

  6. After any symbol, parameter definition can be continued on the next #

  7. line. #

  8. A parameter value list should be enclosed in parentheses, the list #

  9. items should be delimited by commas. #

  10. There can be any number of white spaces (blanks, tabs and new lines) #

  11. between symbols in parameter definition. #

  12. #


  1. backup mode [all | all_data | full | incr | sap_dir | ora_dir

  2. | <tablespace_name> | <file_id> | <file_id1>-<file_id2>

  3. | <generic_path> | (<object_list>)]

  4. default: all

backup_mode = all

  1. restore mode [all | all_data | full | incr | incr_only | incr_full

  2. | <tablespace_name> | <file_id> | <file_id1>-<file_id2>

  3. | <generic_path> | (<object_list>)]

  4. redirection with '=' is not supported here - use option '-m' instead

  5. default: all

restore_mode = all

  1. backup type [offline | offline_force | offline_standby | offline_split

  2. | offline_stop | online | online_cons | online_split]

  3. default: offline

backup_type = offline

  1. backup device type

  2. [tape | tape_auto | tape_box | pipe | pipe_auto | pipe_box | disk

  3. | disk_copy | disk_standby | stage | stage_copy | stage_standby

  4. | util_file | util_file_online | rman_util | rman_disk | rman_stage

  5. | rman_prep]

  6. default: tape

backup_dev_type = tape

  1. backup root directory [<path_name> | (<path_name_list>)]

  2. default: $SAPDATA_HOME/sapbackup

backup_root_dir = $SAPDATA_HOME/sapbackup

  1. stage root directory [<path_name> | (<path_name_list>)]

  2. default: value of the backup_root_dir parameter

stage_root_dir = $SAPDATA_HOME/sapbackup

  1. compression flag [yes | no | hardware | only]

  2. default: no

compress = no

  1. compress command

  2. first $-character is replaced by the source file name

  3. second $-character is replaced by the target file name

  4. <target_file_name> = <source_file_name>.Z

  5. for compress command the -c option must be set

  6. recommended setting for brbackup -k only run:

  7. "compress -b 12 -c $ > $"

  8. no default

compress_cmd = "compress -c $ > $"

  1. uncompress command

  2. first $-character is replaced by the source file name

  3. second $-character is replaced by the target file name

  4. <source_file_name> = <target_file_name>.Z

  5. for uncompress command the -c option must be set

  6. no default

uncompress_cmd = "uncompress -c $ > $"

  1. directory for compression [<path_name> | (<path_name_list>)]

  2. default: value of the backup_root_dir parameter

compress_dir = $SAPDATA_HOME/sapreorg

  1. brarchive function [save | second_copy | double_save | save_delete

  2. | second_copy_delete | double_save_delete | copy_save

  3. | copy_delete_save | delete_saved | delete_copied]

  4. default: save

archive_function = save

  1. directory for archive log copies to disk

  2. default: first value of the backup_root_dir parameter

  3. Oracle Parallel Server:

  4. archive_copy_dir = $SAPDATA_HOME/saparchglobal

archive_copy_dir = $SAPDATA_HOME/sapbackup

  1. directory for archive log copies to stage

  2. should contain <SID> subdirectory

  3. default: first value of the stage_root_dir parameter

archive_stage_dir = $SAPDATA_HOME/sapbackup

  1. new sapdata home directory for disk_copy | disk_standby

  2. no default

  3. new_db_home = /oracle/C11

  1. stage sapdata home directory for stage_copy | stage_standby

  2. default: value of the new_db_home parameter

  3. stage_db_home = /oracle/C11

  1. original sapdata home directory for split mirror disk backup

  2. no default

  3. orig_db_home = /oracle/C11

  1. remote host name

  2. no default

  3. remote_host = <host_name>

  1. remote user name

  2. default: current operating system user

  3. remote_user = <user_name>

  1. tape copy command [cpio | cpio_gnu | dd | dd_gnu | rman | rman_dd]

  2. default: cpio

tape_copy_cmd = cpio

  1. disk copy command [copy | dd | dd_gnu | rman]

  2. default: copy

disk_copy_cmd = copy

  1. stage copy command [rcp | ftp]

  2. default: rcp

stage_copy_cmd = rcp

  1. flags for cpio output command

  2. default: -ovB

cpio_flags = -ovB

  1. flags for cpio input command

  2. default: -iuvB

cpio_in_flags = -iuvB

  1. flags for cpio command for copy of directories to disk

  2. default: -pdcu

cpio_disk_flags = -pdcu

  1. flags for dd output command

  2. default: "obs=16k"

  3. recommended setting:

  4. Unix: "obs=nk bs=nk", example: "obs=64k bs=64k"

  5. NT: "bs=nk", example: "bs=64k"

dd_flags = "obs=64k bs=64k"

  1. flags for dd input command

  2. default: "ibs=16k"

  3. recommended setting:

  4. Unix: "ibs=nk bs=nk", example: "ibs=64k bs=64k"

  5. NT: "bs=nk", example: "bs=64k"

dd_in_flags = "ibs=64k bs=64k"

  1. number of members in RMAN save sets [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | tsp | all ]

  2. default: 1

saveset_members = 1

  1. additional parameters for RMAN

  2. rman_channels and rman_filesperset are only used when rman_util,

  3. rman_disk or rman_stage

  4. rman_channels defines the number of parallel sbt channel allocations

  5. rman_filesperset = 0 means:

  6. one file per save set - for non-incremental backups

  7. all files in one save set - for incremental backups

  8. the others have the same meaning as for native RMAN

  9. rman_channels = 1

  10. rman_filesperset = 0

  11. rman_kbytes = 0

  12. rman_readrate = 0

  13. rman_maxopenfiles = 0

  14. rman_setsize = 0

  15. additional parameters for RMAN version 8.1

  16. the parameters have the same meaning as for native RMAN

  17. rman_diskratio = 0

  18. rman_pool = 0

  19. rman_duplex = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

  20. rman_proxy = no | yes | only

  21. special parameters for an external backup library, example:

  22. rman_parms = "BLKSIZE=65536 ENV=(BACKUP_SERVER=HOSTNAME)"

  23. rman_send = "'<command>'"

  24. rman_send = ("channel sbt_1 '<command1>' parms='<parameters1>'",

  25. "channel sbt_2 '<command2>' parms='<parameters2>'")

  1. remote copy-out command (backup_dev_type = pipe)

  2. $-character is replaced by current device address

  3. no default

copy_out_cmd = "dd ibs=8k obs=64k of=$"

  1. remote copy-in command (backup_dev_type = pipe)

  2. $-character is replaced by current device address

  3. no default

copy_in_cmd = "dd ibs=64k obs=8k if=$"

  1. rewind command

  2. $-character is replaced by current device address

  3. no default

  4. operating system dependent, examples:

  5. HP-UX: "mt -f $ rew"

  6. OSF1: "mt -f $ rewind"

  7. AIX: "tctl -f $ rewind"

  8. SINIX: "mt -f $ rewind"

  9. SUN: "mt -f $ rewind"

  10. NT: "mt -f $ rewind"

  11. Linux: "mt -f $ rewind"

rewind = "mt -f $ rewind"

  1. rewind and set offline command

  2. $-character is replaced by current device address

  3. default: value of the rewind parameter

  4. operating system dependent, examples:

  5. HP-UX: "mt -f $ offl"

  6. OSF1: "mt -f $ offline"

  7. AIX: "tctl -f $ offline"

  8. SINIX: "mt -f $ offline"

  9. SUN: "mt -f $ offline"

  10. NT: "mt -f $ offline"

  11. Linux: "mt -f $ offline"

rewind_offline = "mt -f $ offline"

  1. tape positioning command

  2. first $-character is replaced by current device address

  3. second $-character is replaced by number of files to be skipped

  4. no default

  5. operating system dependent, examples:

  6. HP-UX: "mt -f $ fsf $"

  7. OSF1: "mt -f $ fsf $"

  8. AIX: "tctl -f $ fsf $"

  9. SINIX: "mt -f $ fsf $"

  10. SUN: "mt -f $ fsf $"

  11. NT: "mt -f $ fsf $"

  12. Linux "mt -f $ fsf $"

tape_pos_cmd = "mt -f $ fsf $"

  1. mount backup volume command in auto loader / juke box

  2. used if backup_dev_type = tape_box | pipe_box

  3. no default

  4. mount_cmd = "<mount_cmd> $ $ $ [$]"

  1. dismount backup volume command in auto loader / juke box

  2. used if backup_dev_type = tape_box | pipe_box

  3. no default

  4. dismount_cmd = "<dismount_cmd> $ $ [$]"

  1. split mirror disks command

  2. used if backup_type = offline_split | online_split

  3. no default

  4. split_cmd = "<split_cmd> [$]"

  1. resynchronize mirror disks command

  2. used if backup_type = offline_split | online_split

  3. no default

  4. resync_cmd = "<resync_cmd> [$]"

  1. volume size in KB = K, MB = M or GB = G (backup device dependent)

  2. default: 1200M

  3. recommended values for tape devices without hardware compression:

  4. 60 m 4 mm DAT DDS-1 tape: 1200M

  5. 90 m 4 mm DAT DDS-1 tape: 1800M

  6. 120 m 4 mm DAT DDS-2 tape: 3800M

  7. 125 m 4 mm DAT DDS-3 tape: 11000M

  8. 112 m 8 mm Video tape: 2000M

  9. 112 m 8 mm high density: 4500M

  10. DLT 2000 10/20 GB: 10000M

  11. DLT 2000XT 15/30 GB: 15000M

  12. DLT 4000 20/40 GB: 20000M

  13. DLT 7000 35/70 GB: 35000M

  14. recommended values for tape devices with hardware compression:

  15. 60 m 4 mm DAT DDS-1 tape: 1000M

  16. 90 m 4 mm DAT DDS-1 tape: 1600M

  17. 120 m 4 mm DAT DDS-2 tape: 3600M

  18. 125 m 4 mm DAT DDS-3 tape: 10000M

  19. 112 m 8 mm Video tape: 1800M

  20. 112 m 8 mm high density: 4300M

  21. DLT 2000 10/20 GB: 9000M

  22. DLT 2000XT 15/30 GB: 14000M

  23. DLT 4000 20/40 GB: 18000M

  24. DLT 7000 35/70 GB: 30000M

tape_size = 1200M

  1. volume size in KB = K, MB = M or GB = G used by brarchive

  2. default: value of the tape_size parameter

  3. tape_size_arch = 1200M

  1. level of parallel execution

  2. default: 0 - set to number of backup devices

exec_parallel = 0

  1. address of backup device without rewind

  2. [<dev_address> | (<dev_address_list>)]

  3. no default

  4. operating system dependent, examples:

  5. HP-UX: /dev/rmt/0mn

  6. OSF1: /dev/nrmt0h

  7. AIX: /dev/rmt0.1

  8. SINIX: /dev/ios0/rstape005n

  9. SUN: /dev/rmt/0mn

  10. NT: /dev/nmt0 | /dev/nst0

  11. Linux /dev/nst0

tape_address = /dev/rmt/0mn

  1. address of backup device without rewind used by brarchive

  2. default: value of the tape_address parameter

  3. operating system dependent

  4. tape_address_arch = /dev/rmt/0mn

  1. address of backup device with rewind

  2. [<dev_address> | (<dev_address_list>)]

  3. no default

  4. operating system dependent, examples:

  5. HP-UX: /dev/rmt/0m

  6. OSF1: /dev/rmt0h

  7. AIX: /dev/rmt0

  8. SINIX: /dev/ios0/rstape005

  9. SUN: /dev/rmt/0m

  10. NT: /dev/mt0 | /dev/st0

  11. Linux: /dev/st0

tape_address_rew = /dev/rmt/0m

  1. address of backup device with rewind used by brarchive

  2. default: value of the tape_address_rew parameter

  3. operating system dependent

  4. tape_address_rew_arch = /dev/rmt/0m

  1. address of backup device with control for mount/dismount command

  2. [<dev_address> | (<dev_address_list>)]

  3. default: value of the tape_address_rew parameter

  4. operating system dependent

  5. tape_address_ctl = /dev/...

  1. address of backup device with control for mount/dismount command

  2. used by brarchive

  3. default: value of the tape_address_rew_arch parameter

  4. operating system dependent

  5. tape_address_ctl_arch = /dev/...

  1. volumes for brarchive

  2. [<volume_name> | (<volume_name_list>) | SCRATCH]

  3. no default

volume_archive = (SIDA01, SIDA02, SIDA03, SIDA04, SIDA05,






  1. volumes for brbackup

  2. [<volume_name> | (<volume_name_list>) | SCRATCH]

  3. no default

volume_backup = (SIDB01, SIDB02, SIDB03, SIDB04, SIDB05,






  1. expiration period for backup volumes in days

  2. default: 30

expir_period = 30

  1. recommended usages of backup volumes

  2. default: 100

tape_use_count = 100

  1. backup utility parameter file

  2. default: no parameter file

  3. util_par_file = initSID.utl

  1. mount/dismount command parameter file

  2. default: no parameter file

  3. mount_par_file = initSID.mnt

  1. Oracle instance string to the primary database

  2. [primary_db = <inst_str> | LOCAL]

  3. no default

  4. primary_db = <inst_str>

  1. description of parallel instances for Oracle Parallel Server

  2. parallel_instances = <instance_desc> | (<instance_desc_list>)

  3. <instance_desc_list> -> <instance_desc>[,<instance_desc>...]

  4. <instance_desc> -> <Oracle_sid>:<Oracle_home>@<inst_str>

  5. <Oracle_sid> -> Oracle system id for parallel instance

  6. <Oracle_home> -> Oracle home for parallel instance

  7. <inst_str> -> Oracle instance string to parallel instance

  8. Do not include the local instance in the parameter definition!

  9. default: no parallel instances


  1. example for

  2. parallel_instances = (C11_002:/oracle/C11@C11_002,

  3. C11_003:/oracle/C11@C11_003)


  1. example for

  2. parallel_instances = (C11:/oracle/C11@C11,

  3. C11_003:/oracle/C11@C11_003)

  1. database owner of objects to be checked

  2. <owner> | (<owner_list>)

  3. default: all SAP owners

  4. check_owner = sapr3

  1. database objects to be excluded from checks

  2. all_part | non_sap | [<owner>.]<table> | [<owner>.]<index>

  3. | <tablespace> | (<object_list>)

  4. default: no exclusion, example:

  5. check_exclude = (SDBAH, SAPR3.SDBAD)

  1. database owner of SDBAH, SDBAD and XDB tables for cleanup

  2. <owner> | (<owner_list>)

  3. default: all SAP owners

  4. cleanup_owner = sapr3

  1. retention period in days for brarchive log files

  2. default: 30

  3. cleanup_brarchive_log = 30

  1. retention period in days for brbackup log files

  2. default: 30

  3. cleanup_brbackup_log = 30

  1. retention period in days for brconnect log files

  2. default: 30

  3. cleanup_brconnect_log = 30

  1. retention period in days for brrestore log files

  2. default: 30

  3. cleanup_brrestore_log = 30

  1. retention period in days for sapdba log files

  2. default: 30

  3. cleanup_sapdba_log = 30

  1. retention period in days for offline redo log files saved on disk

  2. default: 30

  3. cleanup_disk_archive = 30

  1. retention period in days for database file saved on disk

  2. default: 30

  3. cleanup_disk_backup = 30

  1. retention period in days for sapdba export dumps and scripts

  2. default: 30

  3. cleanup_exp_dump = 30

  1. retention period in days for Oracle trace and audit files

  2. default: 30

  3. cleanup_ora_trace = 30

  1. retention period in days for records in SDBAH and SDBAD tables

  2. default: 100

  3. cleanup_db_log = 100

  1. retention period in days for records in XDB tables

  2. default: 100

  3. cleanup_xdb_log = 100

  1. retention period in days for database check messages

  2. default: 100

  3. cleanup_check_msg = 100

  1. database owner of objects to adapt next extents

  2. <owner> | (<owner_list>)

  3. default: all SAP owners

  4. next_owner = sapr3

  1. database objects to adapt next extents

  2. all | all_ind | special | [<owner>.]<table> | [<owner>.]<index>

  3. | <tablespace> | (<object_list>)

  4. default: all abjects of selected owners, example:

  5. next_table = (SDBAH, SAPR3.SDBAD)

  1. database objects to be excluded from adapting next extents

  2. all_part | [<owner>.]<table> | [<owner>.]<index> | <tablespace>

  3. | (<object_list>)

  4. default: no exclusion, example:

  5. next_exclude = (SDBAH, SAPR3.SDBAD)

  1. database objects to get special next extent size

  2. all_sel:<size>[/<limit>] | [<owner>.]<table>:<size>[/<limit>]

  3. | [<owner>.]<index>:<size>[/<limit>] | (<object_size_list>)

  4. default: according to table category, example:

  5. next_special = (SDBAH:100K, SAPR3.SDBAD:1M/200)

  1. maximum next extent size

  2. default: 2 GB - 5 * <database_block_size>

  3. next_max_size = 1G

  1. maximum number of next extents

  2. default: 0 - unlimited

  3. next_limit_count = 300

  1. database owner of objects to update statistics

  2. <owner> | (<owner_list>)

  3. default: all SAP owners

  4. stats_owner = sapr3

  1. database objects to update statistics

  2. all | all_ind | all_part | missing | info_cubes | dbstatc_tab

  3. | dbstatc_mon | dbstatc_mona | [<owner>.]<table> | [<owner>.]<index>

  4. | <tablespace> | (<object_list>)

  5. default: all abjects of selected owners, example:

  6. stats_table = (SDBAH, SAPR3.SDBAD)

  1. database objects to be excluded from updating statistics

  2. all_part | info_cubes | non_sap | [<owner>.]<table>

  3. | [<owner>.]<index> | <tablespace> | (<object_list>)

  4. default: no exclusion, example:

  5. stats_exclude = (SDBAH, SAPR3.SDBAD)

  1. method for updating statistics for tables not in DBSTATC

  2. E | EH | EI | EX | C | CH | CX | E= | C= | =H | =I | =X | +H | +I

  3. default: according to internal rules

  4. stats_method = E

  1. sample size for updating statistics for tables not in DBSTATC

  2. P<percentage_of_rows> | R<thousands_of_rows>

  3. default: according to internal rules

  4. stats_sample_size = P10

  1. number of buckets for updating statistics with histograms

  2. default: 75

  3. stats_bucket_count = 75

  1. threshold for collecting statistics after checking

  2. default: 50%

  3. stats_change_threshold = 50

  1. number of parallel threads for updating statistics

  2. default: 1

  3. stats_parallel_degree = 1

  1. processing time limit in minutes for updating statistics

  2. default: 0 - no limit

  3. stats_limit_time = 0

  1. parameters for calling DBMS_STATS supplied package

  2. all:R|B:<degree> | all_part:R|B:<degree> | info_cubes:R|B:<degree>

  3. | [<owner>.]<table>:R|B:<degree> | (<object_list>)

  4. default: NULL - use ANALYZE statement

  5. stats_dbms_stats = ([ALL:R:1,][<owner>.]<table>:R|B:<degree>,...)

  1. definition of info cube tables

  2. [<owner>.]<table> | [<owner>.]<prefix>* | (<object_list>)

  3. default: from RSNSPACE control table

  4. stats_info_cubes = (/BIC/D, /BI0/D, ...)

Pleased give me the solution to solve the problem



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Senthil,

You can use the same backup volume PRD1 name after 30 days. Once you initilize the tape volume it cannot be used before 30 days.

  1. expiration period for backup volumes in days

  1. default: 30 expir_period = 30

Becasue of this parameter.

