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Autoreaction method when SAP Instance is shut down

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I will ask you to give me some ideas how to configure my Solution Manager CEN to send one email when one of my satellite systems connected to solution manager (CEN) with CCMS Agents.

I will list you the steps performed by me in order to configure the auto reaction method when one system has some problems:

On CEN system:

I created the config file with and user CSMREG

I created one copy of CCMS_OnAlert_Express_Email , configured and assigned to the respective MTE on that I want to monitor

On satellite systems I activated the CCMS Agents using config file generated by CEN system

My question is: How I will make my CEN system to send mail (auto reaction)when one of my satellite systems are down.

Can you please tell me what I have, or where I have to configure in CEN system to report me when one satellite systems is down?

Best regards,

Florin Radulea

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I agree with the above comment. You need to install a CCMSPING agent for availability monitoring. CCMSPING is different than regular CCMS Agent in that you only need one CCMSPING agent installed to start. The PING agent checks the status of systems.

It actually very useful for check availability from remote sites as well. Basically allowing you to monitor from different perspectives. One at the data center, one at a remote site, etc.

Once you have the agent installed you can goto to RZ21 > Technical Infrastructure > Availability Monitoring > Configure Monitoring to get started. You then choose the systems that agent will monitor.

Good luck!

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Hi MichaelPytel,

Thank you for your response.

My question is if I can monitor when one system is down using CCMS Agents. This agent doesn't have this option?

Best regards,

Florin Radulea

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Hello Florin,

CCMSPING is an agent. You should monitor the instance availability using it as described here:



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Hi Tiago,

Thank you for your response.

Sorry, I wanted to ask if we can have this option (report when one instance is down) using the CCMS Agent that we have installed now (SAPCCMS4X for ABAP systems and SAPCCMSR for JAVA systems).

Best regards,

Florin Radulea