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Automatically send email alerts when one of the mirror servers fails.

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BH Hi, is it possible for the SQL Anywhere 16 to automatically send email alerts when one of the mirroring servers or arbiter fails? If yes, where can i find the instructions for that? Thanks so much. Aron

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There is no automatic method (i.e. method builtin to the SQL Anywhere product) that will send an email when a mirroring failover occurs, but you can easily do this yourself using the tools provided.

Here is one method that you could use to send an email when a failover occurs:

  • create a MirroringFailover event using the CREATE EVENT statement
  • in the event handler SQL code use xp_sendmail to send the email

See the documentation that I have linked for more information. The basic idea is that the MirroringFailover event will be triggered on the new mirroring partner when a failover has occurred. In the event you can do whatever you want: in your case you would simply use xp_sendmail to send the email to the recipient(s). The xp_sendmail documentation page shows an example on how to send email.