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Authorization issue while running CTC PI Test Tool on SAP PO 7.5

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Hello Experts,

Hopefully you guys will be able to help me. I am trying to enable PIT tool on SAP PO 7.5 SP18. SAP PI 7.4 is my source system and SAP PO 7.5 is my target.

1) I have enabled logging for all three stages in Source system.

2) I was able to run CTC PI Test Tool Target on the target system SAP PO 7.5 which finished successfully. PIT Tool is installed on the same.

3) While trying to run CTC PI Test Tool on target system SAP PO 7.5 I am facing authorization issues. The screen shot is attached. If I skip this step, the tool is getting executed with skipped steps.

I have administrator access on the server

My question is: 1) What role is needed to run this CTC PI Test tool that I am missing.

2) Also, I am not able to connect to the server from NWDS PIT Perspective.- Since PIT is installed on the target server itself, but I am able to connect to target ESR and ID from same NWDS- is it because of point 3 above not getting executed successfully.

Please refer to the attached screen shots of the errors and log that I face while executing PI Test tool on Target server.pit-errorpng.jpgpit-error-logpng.jpg

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Pooja,

please make sure that your user is assigned the role "Administrator" in the Java UME. This role is necessary, as the CTC PI Test Tool has to schedule a job in NWA.

Regarding login to NWDS PIT Perspective - the user needs at least SAP_PIT_DISPLAY role (read-only) or better SAP_PIT_TEST_DEVELOPER role to be able to login. Please check the documentation for other available roles:

In case the roles are assigned to the user, but you still fail to connect please check the Error Log in NWDS if it is showing any errors (Window -> Show View -> Other, search for Error Log).

Best regards


0 Kudos

Hello Anna,

Thankyou for your response. I already have below roles assigned to me:


I have already gone through the above blog. Unfortunately I am still not able to run PI Test Tool CTC and it says No Authorization as well as error while connecting from NWDS to PIT Server. Wondering if the issue in NWDS is somehow related to PI Test Tool not running successfully. Any more pointers would be really helpful.



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Pooja,

as mentioned, please assign the role called "Administrator" to your user in the UME before running the wizard. The roles you listed above are not necessary/not enough for this CTC.

Have you checked if there is any error shown in the error log of the NWDS?

The two issues are not related to each other, but you have to solve both of them.

Best regards


0 Kudos

Ok, Got that. regarding "Administrator role" to run CTC. But I hope, this role is not mandatory for connecting from NWDS PIT Perspective to PIT Server. Attached is the error screen shot from NWDS. It simply says login failed. Unable to connect to <PIT server>.

My PIT server is same as Target system. Also, using the same URL as for PIT server I am able to connect to ESR and ID of the target system from NWDS.

Please help if you have any clue.nwds-error.png

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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No, the Administrator role is only required to run the CTC. It is not required for login to PIT / for work with PIT.

Regarding the login: Once again, please check the error log in NWDS. I'm sure that it is showing further error details. You can open the error log using menu Window -> Show View -> Other, search for Error Log and confirm with OK. You will get a new view on the bottom of the screen showing log messages.

0 Kudos

The error log shows nothing 😞 I am attaching the screen shot.nwds-error1.png

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Please try to enable debug trace. Go to Window -> Preferences, select All Locations -> PI Test Tool and change severity to ALL. Select "Apply and Close". Try again to login. Hopefully you will see an error then.

Most probably, you experience the issue described in Question 2 in SAP Note 2776982.

0 Kudos

ok, so now I am able to see the error :). Some Progress. Looks like the same kind of error for which you have shared the note. I'll try to do as per the note and update. Pls see the error log. nwds-error2.png

Thankyou So much for the help 🙂

0 Kudos

Hello Anna,

So I uploaded the SSL certificate in cacerts using keytool from cmd. Restarted my NWDS, but I am still getting the same error in NWDS.

There are root and intermediate certificates along with child certificate. So I was able to upload the child certificate successfully on cacerts but while uploading the root and intermediate certificates using the same command as mentioned in SAP NOTE I am getting below error:

keytool error: C:\<certname> (The system cannot find the file specified)

I tried changing the format of root and intermediate certs from .cer to .pem and re-executing the command but still the same error.

Also, I tried using the http connection instead of HTTPS from NWDS but still the same error. Wondering why the HTTP connection is not working. The HTTP connection for ESR and ID is working 😞 Any pointers?



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The issue got resolved. I was basically trying to connect to PIT server using Instance host and port on https. I connected via load balancer on port 443 and it worked like a charm.

Thankyou for your help.

