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Authentification problem

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a communication flow from file to an Jabber-Adpater failed. The Jabber-Adapter

is out of a XI programming book and should demonstrate how to create an own adapter.

Sceanrio: If the file adapter finds a file in a local folder, he sends a message to a Jaber

user throug a Jabber-Server.

In XI Message Display Tool I got following error:

Fehler beim Übertragen der Message zum Endpunkt http://localhost:50100/MessagingSystem/receive/AFW/XI über die Verbindung AFW. Grund: Received HTTP response code 401 : Unauthorized

The given URL works and I can login with my XI user.

Any ideas how to check where the authentification failed?

I'm using PCK (7.0) only, so I'm not able to check SAP transactions!



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Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

I would suggest logging onto the Java Admin Console and setting the trace file to Debug and seeing if you can find the error in the logviewer.

 Services

 Log Configurator

 Locations

 Choose the location (Java package) and the tracing level (severity)

(for example,

 Root Location > com > sap > aii > File (or one of these)

 Set the severity and choose Copy Severity to Subtree.

Former Member
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solved this issue. In Visual Administrator you have to modifiy the

service <i>SAP XI Adapter XI</i>. The standard user XIAFUSER

doesn't exist in PCK, so you have to take an own user.

But got next problem. The http-error changes from 401 to 503. That

means, that the service isn't enable. So can you please tell me, how

I can access the Java Admin Console or how to debug this?



Former Member
0 Kudos

In the Java Admin Console

Goto Services - Deploy - applications and check they are all running.

Former Member
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How to open the Java Admin Console?

Do you mean the Visual Administrator? There, I couldn't found the

path you given.

Or did you mean http://<server>:<port>/nwd?



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

U may look for the possible reasons and tips here




Former Member
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know this blog already. But I've found the Services - Deploy - applications view in

Visual Admin and only half of the services were running. Now I try to start

manually those who were disabled.

How could this be? I just started the J2EE new. Why most of the services didn't started?



Former Member
0 Kudos

That is the $64,000 question!

For some reason, when the J2EE Engine starts up, not all the services do start.

This is normally always a first port of call for checking when things aren't running properly!

Former Member
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Do I really have to start ALL applications of the J2EE Engine? I tried to

activate all and the only goal I reached was to kill Visual Administrator.

I'm even not able to start some of the services separately.

How can I figure out which service isn't enabled? The error message only says

that "The requested application, AFW, is currently unavailable."



Message was edited by:

Christian Riekenberg