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Authentication key no longer works following upgrade to 12.01.4301

Former Member

I have just upgraded my authenticated installation from 12.01.4165 to 12.01.4301 (the latest EBF I can find in my SAP account).

Since upgrading, when I execute the 'set temporary option connection_authentication' statement it fails with the error 'Authentication failed' (SQLCode -218).

I've been using the same authentication key for years through countless upgrades and EBFs without this happening before and I can't see anything in the release notes that mentions any relevant behaviour change.

Is this a known problem? Is there anything else I need to do following the installation of 12.01.4301 to get my authentication key working again?

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Please see the answer to this question. In short, a bug was introduced in build that caused authentication problems in some tools (such as Sybase Central and dbisql). This is fixed in

Former Member
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Thanks for the quick response. I saw that question but it made no mention of any error when setting the key and also implied that the problem was only to do with the with administrative tools.

Do you have any idea when (or later) will be available for download?

Edited to clarify: I get the problem with my own Powerbuilder application connecting via ODBC as well as seeing the problem using dbisqlc

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Sorry, I'm afraid I have no idea.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I am not sure that the problem that Graeme describes is the cause of your issue - as that problem is limited to the self authentication of SQL Anywhere utilities.

There are two possible authentication errors. One is -98 and the -218 that you describe. The -218 means that there is a problem with either the database_authentication or the connection_authentication values set at the time of the error. Are you able to send me those values for investigation to

Former Member
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I've been looking at this further and think I know what the problem is.

When we first started using the authenticated version we generated two pairs of keys and ended up using the CONNECTION_AUTHENTICATION string from one pair with the DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION string from the other. This was really as a result of not understanding how the authentication mechanism worked at the time but it has never caused a problem until now.

The two pairs of keys have different 'Application' elements but the same 'Company' element (other than a change in case of some of the letters). My assumption has been that so long as the 'Company' elements are the same (other than case) and the 'Signature' element is valid then the connection will authenticate.

With 4301 it looks like either the 'Application' element also has to match or the 'Company' element has been made case sensitive.

I can change our software to resolve this easily enough but can you confirm this change in behaviour?

(I have sent you the values as requested in case it's useful)


My apologies for misleading you. Chris is right; the bug fix I was referring to was only for the SQL Anywhere utilities. In "such as Sybase Central and dbisql", "such as" should have been "only".

I can also confirm the behaviour change you mentioned - the comparison for Application and Company names in the authentication strings is now case-sensitive where it wasn't before.

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