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Attachment in mobile services Can anyone guide me on how to set it up?

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I am using the attachment tool to capture images from the mobile device, how should I set it up so that the captured images are sent to a server and I can refer to them when I need them, where can I find documentation, what do you recommend I do? 

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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The question is what does your odata service look like and expect with respect to storing of the images?  Do you have a v2 or v4 service?  Can you share the $metadata of the service so we can review and possibly provide some guidance.

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Hi the service is V4, sorry I don't know how I can share the metadata image without losing the thread of the conversation. in this way can you recommend or suggest me where I can find information about it, in odata I have tried to use different combinations like ‘#Control:fileName/#Value’ for the configuration but I don't know if it should be done somewhere else because I don't see it directs the image somewhere, maybe some special conversion configuration should be used to save the image?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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In Mobile Services under Mobile Connections you can click the Open in Browser button to launch a browser tab to connect to your service. After you see the service info you can change the URL to remove the ?auth=uaa and add /$metadata. Save the file and attach to the message or add as code in a reply.

You will also need to provide some hint as to what entity you are trying to create / update for your attachment.