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Are always 32bit ODBC drivers used for remote data access ?


I currently install a new Database Server on a 64bit W2K8R2 System. ASA is currently version 10.0.1 but will be upgraded in the next months.

I have installed 64bit and 32 Drivers for a remote database server. (MYSQL)

I was not able to connect to the remote server when I created a System DSN for the 64bit Driver. The 32bit driver System DSN generated with the SysWOW64odbcad32.exe was accessible.

[Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Verbindung mit dem Server 'TRMTime' konnte nicht aufgenommen werden: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
SQL Statement: CALL dbo.sp_remote_tables( 'TRMTime', NULL, NULL, NULL, 1 )

I couldn't find this detail in the Documentation. Any Ideas ? I would be interested if there are changes in later releases of ASA.

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When you use external environments, the server launches a separate executable which communicates with the server using normal database connections. As a result the bitness of the server need not match the bitness of the external environment executable. The same is not true for remote data access. In the case of the remote data access feature, the server actually loads the ODBC driver in process and then communicates with the ODBC driver using standard ODBC procedure calls. Since the ODBC driver is loaded in process, the bitness of the ODBC driver MUST match the bitness of the server.

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You should start the 64 Bit engine if you want to use the 64bit ODBC Connections 😉

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Still your question is a useful one, particularly as dbsrv11 and above can use external environments with the opposite bitness, i.e. a 64-bit server can run a 32-bit ODBC environment.

However, I don't know whether this applies to remote data access, too. But Karim and Mark will know:)