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Arabic Aligment does not work fine

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I work with Visual Studio 2008 C# and I created a CrystalReport report item. But, when I choose Justify aligment the words go inside each other when I go to preview. But, when I preview using CrystalReport outside Visual Studio it works fine.

Help me please.

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What version of Crystal Reports are you using?

Have you applead any Crystal Reports service packs?


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Dear Ludek

I don't know how to get the version of Crystal Report except it is 2008 and also I don't know how to apply Crystal Reports service packs.

I just Installed the Visual Studio 2008 only. and Crystal Report was there.

Edited by: Abdurahman Almatrodi on Dec 4, 2008 5:57 PM

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In the VS environment go to help about and ther you will get the Crystal reports version.

Hope this will help.



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OK. If you only installed .NET 2008 and are using the Crystal Reports from that install, you are using CR 10.5. You can double check by looking at the CR assembly versions. These should be 10.5.3700. So, the Service Pack for that version of CR is here :

Download that, run it and keep your fingers crossed...


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Dear Amit

It is Crystal Reports 2008 for Visual Studio

Dear Ludek

I am downloading now. And, I hope it will solve the problem.

Thanks to all

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Just to be clear, you are using Crystal Report 10 and not Crystal Reports 2008 so you will be limited to CR 10 functionality.

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Dear Don

Firstly, I applied service pack, then I install an evaluation copy of full Crystal Report. Finally, I reinstall Visual Studio 2008.

But the problem is still.

The version of Crystal Report for Visual Studio is 2008 as it came with it by default.

If you need to post a picture of the problem I will.


Best Regards to all.

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Just make sure the assemblies referenced in your project are of version 10.5.3700.

The other thing to try is to insert the fields into a formula or a text object and see if that resolves the issue.


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At first thanks for your kind.

I checked all of the assemblies referenced and thier version is 10.5.3700.0

I did not use data binding before. It was just a Text object.

I am trying now with DataBinding as well as formula

I hope to solve this....

Best Regards

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Any help!

Please. Till now I did not find a way to solve this issue.

I hope to hear from you even if some suggestions or ideas.

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A couple of ideas:

1) In one of the posts you mentioned the following: "..install an evaluation copy of full Crystal Report"

If you still have the eval (I assume it is CR 2008?), do you see the same issue in the designer of this full build? If you do not have the full build of CR 2008 anymore, you can download it from here;

and see if the same issue appears in the full designer.

2) Can you try and see if non Arabic characters justify in the report?

3) You mention that these so far have been text strings that you ahve been working with. Confirm that you are seeing this with text strings in a text field as well as in a formula.

4) Do you see the same issue with database fields?


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At first thanks for your suggestions and I do appreciate it.

I reinstall the Eval again.

The problem I have now that when I add new Crystal Report in VS 2008 is that I can't edit it at all. It just an empty page even not a report design. Even that I tried to add a new report. as in []

Ofcouse, when I run the Crystal Report itslef everything is fine. as in []

The problem occur in Database fields as well as in formula.


Someone suggested me to:

format the field's "text interpretation" as RTF and in the formula section of this part put the following text.

"{\rtf1\fbidis\ansi\ansicpg1256\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset178Tahoma (Arabic);}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Tahoma;}}"+


But I got errors and VS 2008 crashed.

What I see now is that in Crystal Report itsel everything is fine.

Waitting for more suggestion. I am so frustrated. I solve my application problem by using MS Word which is not an easy solution to work with.

Best Regards.

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What operating OS are you using?

Do you have another PC to re-install Visual Studio then Crystal Reports then Sp1? It may be that your install is corupt or possibly you had limited PC permissions when installing. Make sure you are the local PC admin when installing.

Is this a WEB or windows app?

Which viewer are you using? Crviewer or CrystalDecisions.Windows.Form

Thank you


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Dear Don

I am using Vista Ultimate.

I have another PC. But, the problem is same.

My application is Windows Application not a Web.

Finally, I previed it inside my application.


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Is it Vista 32 or 64?

What default language are you using? Have you installed other language packs?

Tahoma is the normal font that Microsoft mapps all their font sto. Try using a font like MS Arial Unicode and see if that works for you.

If you use Arabic font in any other applciation does that work?

Check on No Default Printer in Page Setup. Possibly its a printer issue.

Thanks again


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Hi again

It is Vista 32.

The default language is English. And, I did change it to Arabic. But, the same result.

I will try the other suggestion and I'll post the result.

Again thaks for help.