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Approval tasks

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we are using idm 7.2 sp3.

When implementing approval tasks we add as an approver a business role we created, The trouble is, when someone having this business role connects to the web UI, it can'T see the approval task in the to-do tab. It seems like the business role members are not "traduced" from the business role.

Does someone know if this is standard behavior?

Thank you for your help,


Clotilde Martinez

Message was edited by: Martinez Clotilde

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Hi Clotilde,

This document is a great "How-To" guide for workflows and should get you up and running. Any problems or questions, let me know.



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Thank you Ian,  the documentation is helpful but does not answer my question yet.

Basically our workflow consists of three consequent approvals, each time a super administrator and a business role "ADMIN" are put as approvers (via a script setMXApprovers) as well as:

- on the first one, the user's manager,

- on the 2nd one, the owner of the BR/Priv you're trying to give

- on the 3rd one, a validation business role (that we "traduce", looking for every member of the business role to put them as approvers).

Then, if i give someone the BR "ADMIN" and then launch an approval workflow here is what happens:

- my super admin and the manager can connect to the todo tab and approve or reject the approval

- the identity with the BR "ADMIN" won't see the approval task (so cannot approve or reject it).

Then i tried to put the business role directly on the "Approval" tab, then the identity with BR "ADMIN" can see it but if i try to approve it an error is sent saying that i'm not in the approvers list. If i click on the approval number i get a java nullpointer exception.

That's why my question is: do you know if it is possible to put a BR (so in the end, its members if IDM can interprete it correctly) or do we have to go and find its members  by some other way (like we do in our 3rd approval)?


Clotilde Martinez

Former Member
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Hi Clotilde,

To do what you want, multi-step approvals, you'll want to set the MX_APPROVER attribute of the PVO prior to the approval task.  Just create an action task to set this value prior to the approval.  Then on the approval task itself, all you will have to worry about setting are the attributes you want to see on the PVO.

I wouldn't use the Approval tab like you're trying to do.  The guide that Ian posted above will also be a help for you, you can see how to set up your Workflow task group to do what I'm describing.

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that is exactly what we are doing for the moment (setting the MX_APPROVER prior to the approval task). I tried using the approval tab just for giving a view on the approvals for the members of the business role. I just guess that setting a business role as an approver doesn't work and that I have to add to my script something to get all the MX_MEMBERS of the business role and then set them up in the MX_APPROVER attribute. The trouble with this is that then my approval is not dynamic and if new people get the business role, they won't be able to approve the demand since they won't be in the approvers.



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I don't know why that tab doesn't work, but here's a way you could make it dynamic...

On, MX_APPROVER or MX_OWNER, whatever attribute you choose to make dynamic, link an event task on modify.

Create a task in the ID Store that writes to a PVO.  I'd prolly use a generic pass.  Create a script to find all the PVOs where this Role exists.  Pass %MSKEY% the approver attribute into the script as arguments.  In the script ...

var RoleMSKEY = Par;

uSelect("select mskey from idmv_value_basic_active where AttrName = 'MX_ENTRYTYPE' and searchvalue = 'MX_PENDING_VALUE' and MSKEY IN (select mskey from idmv_value_basic_active where AttrName = 'MX_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE' and searchvalue = " + RoleMSKEY)

I haven't tested this query but it should work.  After you get teh result set, then loop through it and use the uIS_SetValue to add to the MX_APPROVERS attribute of the PVO.  This will update it dynamically.