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Application profiling OEM 12.0.1

Former Member

I am unable to use the applciation profiling with the OEM 12.0.1 version. The database has been authenticated and the key has been entered into the ODBC DSN. THis DSN works for all other applciations.

Any ideas?

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What is the exact symptom you are seeing? What error message, etc? ..."unable to use" isn't enough to go on.

Former Member
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While it is in process of creating the tracing database. "An error occurred while attempting to unload the database" * SQL error : Authentication violation"

I just ran : select db_property('authenticated'); and it is returning Yes.

0 Kudos

You might try

select connection_property('Authenticated')

as well. Although I would think that all builtin tools are self-authenticating, to cite the docs:

All the database tools included with SQL Anywhere, including Sybase Central, Interactive SQL, and the utilities, such as dbbackup, are self-authenticating. They are unrestricted in their operations against any authenticated database. If the database itself is not authenticated, the tools act in a restricted, read-only fashion

Former Member
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It appears that all tools except application profiling is self authenticating. But even if it wasn't the ODBC datasource has the authentication key in it thus why I am not sure why the application profiling is not working.

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Answers (1)

Former Member

As far as I'm aware, tracing an authenticated database into a new tracing database should work as long as the properly-configured authenticate.sql file is properly located in the scripts directory.

For a similar situation, Dan Farrar originally wrote:

There are several workarounds available:

  1. trace into the local database (available from the Database Tracing wizard)
  2. create an authenticate.sql file that will allow dbunload to succeed (see the tip box at the bottom of http://dcx/index.html#1101en/dbadmin_en11/running-authenticating-your-database.html)
  3. trace into an un-authenticated tracing database that is not running on an authenticated server.

Note that an unauthenticated database will always report a -98 error (Authentication Violation) on an OEM engine. It will be reported immediately, rather than after a grace period. The grace period of 30 seconds will only be permitted with an authenticated database.

Former Member
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What I am trying to do is run my application that works fine with the existing DSN with the applciation profiling turned on. When I start the process in Sybase Central the error occurs.

Former Member

So how exactly are you trying to enable profiling?

Former Member
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I go into sybase central... I select profile a database application... I connect to the db using ODBC datasource. This DSN has in the advanced section the "InitString='SET TEMPORARY OPTION CONNECTION_AUTHENTICATION=" (after the '=' is all the proper authentication information)... I select the checkbox 'performance of your database application' .... I enter a name for the tracing file... Than the dialog comes up extracting the different pieces of the database right after the dialog says mobilink information (I assume this is the last item since my db does not use mobilink) the following error comes up: An error occurred while trying to create the tracing database. An error occurred while attempting to unload the database 'premote12'. * SQL error: Authentication violation

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Since you're initializing a new database to store the tracing information (inside Sybase Central), you MUST set the 'database_authentication' option in the new database you are creating before starting your tracing. Since this option is not getting set inside the database, you are seeing the error that you are.

The way to set this option in the new database is the way Glenn mentioned above in #2 - you need to create a file called 'authenticate.sql' in your "%SQLANY12%\\scripts" directory with the option set.

e.g. 'authenticate.sql'

SET OPTION PUBLIC.database_authentication = 'company=MyCompany;application=MySQLAnywhereApp;signature=0fa55157edb8e14d818e';