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Application Integrator- Intranet sites

0 Kudos


I am trying to singlesignon to several intranet sites. It works for some, and fails for others. I have followed the documentation setting up system, user mapping and iview for app generator.

The userid and password does not get passed on in any of these sites.

One of the sites that is failing has a password with '@' sign. Does this need to change? The html for one of these sites looks like below. I am using duser and dpass as user and password fields for user maping. does anything else need to be passed?

<form method="POST" name="Userpass" onsubmit='return true'><!-- action="../../login.asp" -->


<TD><img src="../../images/login/horizontal_line2.gif" border="0" width="399" height="70"></TD>




<TD align="left" valign="middle">

<font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><label for="duserf">Name:</label>&nbsp</font>


<TD align="right">

<font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">

<input type="text" STYLE="width: 120px" size="15" maxlength="256" name="duser" id="duserf" status="selected" onkeydown="return doSubmit(event)">&nbsp;






<TD align="left" valign="middle">

<font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><label for="dpassf">Password:</label>&nbsp;</font>


<TD align="left" valign="middle">

<font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">

<input type="password" STYLE="width: 120px" size="15" maxlength="256" name="dpass" id="dpassf" onkeydown="return doSubmit(event)">&nbsp;




<input id="bok" class="buttonAction" type="button" value="OK" onclick="doLogin()">









<form method="POST" name="Userpasshidden" onsubmit='return true'><!-- action="../../login.asp" -->

<input type=hidden name=UTCOffset value="">

<input type=hidden name=user value="">

<input type=hidden name=pass value="">


Thanks and regards,


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Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Arun,

> '@' sign. Does this need to change?

Yes. See in the other thread the link provided - the @ sign has a special meaning within an URL. You could try to URLEncode the character.

Hope it helps


0 Kudos

HI Detlev,

Thanks for the answer. However, the username and password are all alpha characters. Still, the values from user mapping do not get into the logon screen. Please advise a way out.

Thanks and regards,


0 Kudos


The list of problems keeps growing....One more site was tried and new problem.

The user id and password are not getting transferred to logon screen as in other sites. However, for this new site, when the logon screen comes up on preview and credentials are provided, message that "session has expired" comes up.

Please advise.

Thanks and regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Arun,

initially you wrote

> has a password with '@' sign

Now you write

> password are all alpha characters


Best regards


0 Kudos

Hi Detlev,

As stated before, I am dealing with a number of issues, and the issues for each intrane site seems different. I had read that '@' symbol was not to be used on one of the forums, and as password on one of the sites has this, I had raised the question. However, if you notice that in the thread my question was addressed towards the username and password not getting carried over to logon screen of the intranet.

Please advise, if you have any suggestions.

Thanks and regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Detlev,

I would be providing the password in user mapping in personalize. Where and how should I url encode the '@'. Points would be awarded as a thank you.

Please advise.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Arun,

the only place where you can change the @ sign is where you are providing the password itself. You can manually encode it for example by writing a one-liner using URLEncoder and take the sequence and use this instead o the pure @ char. I don't know if your destination side will take this, but as said - give it a try.

Hope it helps
