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Any documentation for sadiags.xml?


As a follow up to this question:

Can a service be made to obey the SADIAGDIR setting?

does any documentation about the contents of sadiags.xml exists?

The entry maxconcurconn smells like a snapshot of how many clients have connected simultaneous. Nice is also the list of client applications which connected to the server.

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Martin: There is no documentation on the contents of this file. The servers (ML, SA, ...) update the file with various statistics each time the server is shutdown and each day around midnight. The file consists of a set of "counters" that are incremented at certain times - exactly when is dependent on what the counter is counting. The data is "aged" so that each counter has a count for each day (for the past 14 or so days) and each month (for the past ? months). The base date is maintained at the beginning of the file.

The intent of the collected statistics are:

  • to help SA engineers understand how the server was being used when looking at crash reports and/or tech support cases
  • to help SA engineers and product management understand how and what features are being used so that we can make the product better in future releases.


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If you have a question about any particular counter and/or section, post a comment here stating which counter/section you would like to know about and I will try to give you an explanation of what it counts.


"maxconcurconn" (full path sa/db/comm/maxconcurconn) records the maximum concurrent client connections that was seen during the database server's up-time. The counter gets recorded/saved only when the server shuts down normally (note: I'll need to fix that - most counters also get recorded when an abnormal shutdown/crash occurs but this "one shot" counter - since it is a "max" counter and hence does not know which counter to increment until the end - is (currently) only incremented during the normal shutdown sequence).

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so it is not updated during midnight?


The current implementation in released software will not update the maxconcurconn counter at midnight.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member

Is there any way to tell the server not to create this file? Or to create it somewhere else. Our deployment does not create the SADIAGDIR variable, and i would like to avoid creating such variables.

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You should post this as a new question... because that's what it is... it's not an answer or a comment on this question.