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another set of questions

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another set of questions.. please help me in this regard

1. Is there a way to undeploy the SDA that is being deployed by NWDI across the landscape. i.e. i created an activity, so an SDA/ SCA will be created and deployed in dev, test and prod. but now I want to rollback the changes that I made with that particular activity.

2. When would external library DC come into picture?

Please help me in this regard.

Thank you

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External libraries are used to complete the development configuration in case you use 3rd party jars or jars that are not contained in the DC's of the 3 base SCA's (or any other required SCA that you imported into your track). If you create External library DC's for these jars, all developers that work with DC's that need these jars automatically get them when they create projects for those DC's (if you define used DC's of course). In short: External library DC's basically provide the same thing as the DC's of the 3 base SCA's. You could consider these as all being External Library DC's.

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can a set of jars be in one DC.. or one DC for each JAR file.

So there is no concept of classpath in the component model as we do in eclipse projects... am i right?

all the time we are using only those 3 SCA's, when would the other SCA's be useful, can you just give me an example where other SCA's will be useful for development

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Yes, you can put multiple jars into one External Library DC. It's best though to split them based on functionality. That way you keep your DCs smaller and may reduce the time required to create and compile projects from DCs that use these External Libary DCs.

There actually is a concept of a classpath: When you create a project from a DC, NWDS also constructs the required classpath based on all the Used DCs that were defined.

Extra SCA's: Supposed you develop some services that you want to make available to other development teams. Instead of letting them fiddle around in your SC, you can define a Usage Dependency for their SC to yours. They can then use the DCs that you created, without being able to modify them.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Shiva,

To undeploy just login to SDM and under undeployment tab just select the file and you can undeploy it.

