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Analytical CDS Views - union associations is different in selections (3)

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Hi experts,

 we have a business requirement to merge Profit center analysis standard view with Journal Entry Analyser Standard view . 
When I am merging, I used union all in the cube view for the requirement . I am now getting syntax error saying association is different between selections. I checked multiple times , got checked with my team as well, the sequence of fields is same. No common associations between 2 Union all selects . Still the error doesn’t go away.

please find below screenshot and help me out. I don’t find much blogs on this topic.




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Hi Junwu 

thanks for the response.

the code is too huge so I have given just the error screenshot. 
Do you want me to paste the whole snippet. Pls guide me as I am posting in community for the first time 

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at least you have to give us the standard cube cds you are using, and that _user association
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I am merging 2 views using Union ALL - One is I_GLACCOUNTLINEITEMCUBE in which I_USER is the target association with alias _USER and the second cube is I_FINANCIALPLANNINGENTRYITEM in which I_USERCONTACTCARD is the target association with alias _USER
And If I comment _User association exposure , the error is coming for the next exposed association . So I am believing that the error is not with _User association