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alter dbspace fails if it is scripted

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I start the server with dbspawn:

dbspawn dbsrv17 -n Comix_Masked "cims-masked.db" -gf -x tcpip(Port=2640;IPv6=NO) -c 25p -ch40p -ti 360

After the server starts, I open a connection with dbisql and execute:

alter dbspace archive rename 'cims_archive-masked.db'; commit;

The statement works fine. The new name for the dbspace-file can be seen in sysfile system table. If I script dbspawn and dbisql -nogui in a windows batch file:

%SQLANY17%\\bin64\\dbspawn dbsrv17 -n Comix_Masked "cims-masked.db" -gf -x tcpip(Port=2640;IPv6=NO) -c 25p -ch40p -ti 360 >> renamedb.html %SQLANY17%\\bin64\\dbisql -port 2640 -c "UID=DBA;PWD=xxxxxxxxx;Server=Comix_Masked" -nogui -onerror exit -q renamedb.sql

I get the error:

Could not execute statement. Not allowed while 'DBA' is using the database SQLCODE=-211, ODBC 3 State="40001"

What I tried so far: 1) I tested it with dbsrv17 or dbeng17. 2) After dbspawn I run a statement to wait 60 seconds 3) I use -gf (to deactivate the triggers) or not use -gf. 4) I tried dbisqlc. 5) Remove the -onerror exist clause.

But nothing helps. I get allways the error message from above. Any ideas how to script it without the error?



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