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Adobe Forms Barcode is printed over Border

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Hi experts,


I have following problem in SAP transaction SFP I try to print a barcode. The barcode is in a subform that is not wider than the page, I've already reduced the barcode to a small size. 

But it still gets printed over the edge. I dont get the problem, I've tried a lot but the result is always the same. I use a 128 Barcode. It get declared as a GS1-128 Barcode.

In Designer:


In print view(When printed from zebra label printer its also over the edge)


Thank you for your help!

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Active Contributor

The mechanism I have found that addresses this problem is to set the data length of the bar code in a javascript function in either layout:ready or ready:form, depending on the form configuration.

this.ui.barcode.dataLength = this.rawValue.length.toString();



Ryan Crosby

0 Kudos
Thanks! it seems to be working!
0 Kudos
I have one more question if you know. The Barcode is a little to small now. Its not scaled over the entire width of the form. So its a little complicated to scan. Thank you for your help!
Active Contributor
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@Teaman just extend the length of your barcode window to the desired width and it should cover more space that way.
0 Kudos
Thats the problem. If I pull it to wide it gets printed over the edge if i pull it to small it is to small to scan without a hassel. It only got those two states it does not size to the size I gave the barcode in the designer.
Active Contributor
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@Teaman the suggestion I gave is not perfect but you'd have to play with your alignment to get it the best that you can, including possibly manually setting the width (if you are relying on the ticks), or adjusting your display for more tick marks.