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Adding nav attribute in DSO

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I have a requirement add nav attribute in DSO under Navigation Attribute folder.

The scenaris is like this: a navigation attribute is added to a characteristic which is part of a DSO.

Now I would like to bring this newly added navigation attribute inside DSO under 'navigation attribute' folder. DSO has data already. How can I achieve this task.

Thannks & Best Regards,


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Add the navigational attribute to the InfoObject(via Attribute Tab).

Once the IOBJ is activated the DSO will get adjusted and hence teh navigational attribute will be part of the navigational attribute tree folder in the DSO.



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Hi Hyma,

Nav atribute is already added to the infoobject and it is activated as well. But I am not able to see newly added nav attr of the infoobject under 'Navigation attribute' folder of DSO.

Hope you got the problem.

Thanks & Best Regards,


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Hi Rajani

As soon as you added new nav attribute to an existing object then it will appear on DSO when you are on change mode.

Log out and log in then goto DSO in change mode then check now.

Hope it helps..


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Hi Chandu,

Thanks for your response. I have checked in change mode of DSO only, I did not find the newly added nav attribute.

Have you tried this in your system, were you able to locate the new nav attr?

If yes, please let me know your SP level. We are on SAP_BW SP 14.

Best Regards,


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Hi Rajani

If a new naviagtional attribute is added to the IOBJ and actiavted automatically it appears in the DSO navigational attribute tree folder.

It works for me, may it solved in the recent SP and you are on teh lower SP.



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Hi Hyma,

Thanks for that info. May be you are right. However I couldn't find any OSS notes which tell like that.

If I get info about in which SP this problem is solved, it will be helpful.

Best Regards,


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One strange thing I observed is, in cube the newly added nav attr appears automatically, but not in DSO.

So this makes me confused, can anybody help??

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Hi Guys,

Finally I could overcome this issue

Actually the characteristic inclued in DSO had reference characteristic. So the new nav attribute was added in the reference characteristic. But by default, the attribute wont be marked as NAV in all the characteristics which are referencing the main characteristic, we have to manually edit that attribute as NAV in those characteristics. After I edited the attribute as NAV in the characteristic, I could see that new nav attribute under Navigation Attribute folder in DSO.

Hope this will solve your future issue

Best Regards,


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Delete the data in the DSO, add the nav attribute and reload. Check remodelling is not available for DSOs

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That will impose lots of difficulties. I understand that navigation attributes' data is not stored as part of DSO, but part of master data tables. So why should we delete whole data from DSO.

Is there anybody who has this issue and overcame without deleting the data from DSO.

Best Regards,


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Just try removing the infoobject from dso and add it back and check whether you are getting that particular navigational attribute. Or else you can create an infoset between DSO and infoobject.

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First of all since the DSO is loaded with data, I can not delete the infoobject from DSO. There is only Cut (Move only) option. I used that option and inserted the infoobject again, but still the navigation attribute did not get added in the list.

There are some queries built on DSO which I dont want to disturb, so I dont want to consider the option of creating infoset.

Can anybody else, who has faced this problem and reolved help me here?

Best Regards,


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Just drag and drop the characteristic which is having navigational attribute to your dso once again then you will get your new navigational attribute under your navigational attribute tab of DSO.

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I tried that, it did not allow me to drag the same characteristic again into DSO.

Best Regards,
