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Activation and Loading the data into cubes and master data infoobjects

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Hi Friends,

I hav to activate business content for the FI-AR,AP,GL and PCA and CCA and Procurement modules.

How can I distinguish between Transaction Data and Master Data( Infocubes and Master data InfoObjects)??

And Once activation of Infocubes and Master data InfoObjects, Can you tell me the order and procedure how to laod the data.....

Can anyone throw some light on this

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This is all master data before loading of transaction data

0comp_code : company code

0ACCT_TYPE : Account type

0SP_GL_IND : Special G/L indicator

0POST_KEY : Posting key

0AC_DOC_TYP : Document type

0C_CTR_AREA : Control area

0DEBITOR : Customer (selection options, optional)


after that loading of the transction data

0FI_GL_4, 0FI_AP_4 and 0FI_AR_4

<b><u>Accounts Receivable: Line Items</u></b>

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

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1. Master data is what helps to describes the transaction data. Foe example, customer master, where you store info abut your customers like name, country, address, contact persons, etc etc. Transaction data is when you make a sale to a customer or when a customer returns a item that was previously sold. Transaction data is stored in data targets cubes and ODS. But sometimes you can use ODS also store master data.

2. Activation of data is required for ODS and master data and not for cubes.

3. The order will be to load master data first, activate them and apply change run and then load the transaction data.

4. How to distinguish between master and tran data: If you just view customer data like his name and address, it is master data, but if you view data on a customer's transaction like sales made or returns made, then it is transaction data.

Ravi Thotahdri

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master data load first then after loading the transaction data..

master data is frequently change but daily upload is the transaction data that is the new load of data (delta).master data load for all data target.

2. change run is requier for new master data loading pupose otherewise reporting problem.

3. first load the master data then after change the transaction data. change run is require for the master data change.


Sangram Sutar

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once activation and replication is done..

assign transfer rules to corresponding infosource -> activate it

create info package and load data..

hope it helps..


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first install all info objects which belongs to FI-AR,AP,GL and PCA CCA (from all info areas of FI,Cost center and profit center accounting)..

goto Rsa5 (R/3) side and activate all master data and transactional data sources under this info areas...

Again go to BW..replicate all data sources..then again go to Business content

take one by one Infocubes(you can take all at a time by selecting them ctrl+click)

select 'in data flow before' and 'automatic'..install

Hope this can solve your problem

