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ABAP RAP : Messages are duplicating for the mandatory field check

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Hello Colleagues,

I have a question regarding duplicate messages from the backend for the mandatory field check in the SAP UI5. For the managed scenario RAP, I am invalidating the state of the message also but still, I am not able to clear the duplicacy.

Do you have any idea what could be the problem?

OData version: V2
RAP scenario: managed with draft
Framework method: FOR VALIDATE ON SAVE
Root entity: transpdoc



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Hi Shikha,

Two possibilities here:

1. Before append in the reported with %msg, you need to append the same state area again in the reported without anything in %msg so that it clears the earlier raised messages with the same state area. This append to reported with same state area with nothing in %msg should be there even if the issue is solved and entries are valid.

2. Check the batch calls in console. For merge batch calls, for each POST you should get a response. If even one POST call is failing and response is not returned, then it considers the response of the previous POST and duplicates the messages.

I hope it solves your issue.

Rohan Bhateja

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Hi Rohan,

Yes append is done before the append in %msg

APPEND VALUE #( %tky = lr_transdoc->%tky

%state_area = 'CONSISTENCY_MANDATORY' ) TO es_reported-transpdoc.

But still i see the problem.

0 Kudos

Hi Rohan,

Check the batch calls in console. For merge batch calls, for each POST you should get a response. If even one POST call is failing and response is not returned, then it considers the response of the previous POST and duplicates the messages.

This is what happening in my case actually multiple post calls are going from frontend to Backend in the same change request if one request is failed based on the number of post calls messages are duplicated. But i need only one message.

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Hi shikha.pandey,

I am having the same issue. Have you resolved this issue? If yes, please share.

