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A gap between iViews in a page

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello all,

Usually the topLevelNavigation is in the framWorkPage as an iView.

We created a new page (wide:narrow)

in the wide column inserted the topLevelNavigation iView, in the narrow column: our company logo.

The problem: there is a gap around both iViews in the page.

<b>How can we get rid of this gap?</b>

Here is a picture of the new page:

<a href="">a picture</a>

By the way:

in the iViews and the page: the property 'Add padding inside tray' is checked as NO.

In the theme --> Portal body --> we changed all the paddings and margins to 0 px. we think it didn't help cause this page is not a part of the portal inner page and therefore not part of the body (?)

Thanks for any help, Adi.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Adi,

the reason you see the gap is the PageLayout you use. The standard PageLayout "wide:narrow" defines a gap between the two columsn. I think 2px.

To solve the problem download the par file, which contains the standard "wide:narrow" layout and make a copy. Use your own namespace for the copy of the par file.

Edit the layout and upload the edited copy.

In PCD you have to create the new layout in the portal layout folder (cannot remember the path). In the portal layout folder you will find all the standard layouts. Once you have created the new layout in the layout folder open the page object (in PCD), that contains the TopLevelNavigation iView and choose the new layout as the default layout.

Hope I could help,


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

HI Adi,

whatever u have done is right.........

keep the 'Add padding inside tray' as yes.........

and check whether u have changed the correct portal theme u r using......

it should work fine..............