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2LIS_04_P_COMP - No data populated!

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I´m trying to load infocube Plan/Actual Comparison Material Consumption (technical name 0PP_C05).

I follow the follow steps in order to load it to BW:

1- Delete setup table ( Application 04)

2- Delete the MCEX queue (04)

3 - Fill up the setup table (Application 04 - second optiion)

On LBWE this data source is active.

After these steps the datasource 2LIS_04_P_COMP should retrieve values but this is not happening.

Did I miss something?

What can be the reason that no records arrive to BW?

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Former Member
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Thanks for the reply.

I already had as active on LBWE the data source.

I repeated the same process now except deleting the data from the MCEX queue and now I have records on RSA3.

For me it was a surprise because i thought that the deletion of the MCEX queue it was only to delete the old entries caming from R/3.

Should this affect?



Former Member
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Hi Marta Silva,

depending upon ur requirement you have to delete the setup tables.

could i know the reason why u delete the setup tables.

when if you want to add fields from communication structure to extract structure you will delete the setup tables .why means to access the additional field values also.

coming to the process ...the steps follows likw this ....

1.just goto Tcode--lbwg(to delete setup tables )

2.just click the "maintenance" button so that here we can add fields from communication structure to extract structure.then the "LED" will change from "GREEN" to "RED",and at the sametime the extract structure will get "inactive".

3.then click the "datasource " button related to application 04 and here you can have 4 options .

i>SELECT (it is for selection oprion in the infopackage level)

ii>HIDE(this will hide the data and it will not reflect the data to BW)

iii>INVERSION(it is to eliminate the negative values)

iv)FIELD ONLY(it is for building the userexit code)

so just select out of 4 ,and save the datasource .then the LED changes from "RED" to "YELLOW" button .and then just go to UPMODE and double click from "inactive" to "active".

4.then goto the TCODE:SBIW>logistics>manage extract structure>initialization>filling up of setup tables---->select the application related table.

afterwards it will ask for the "name of the run", "termination date" and termination time.

fill all the information and afterwards one popup screen will come "start of order processing".just click "continue" button .

5.simulataneously see the record in TCODE:RSA3 .here we can view the records .here it will get increase the records in repitition when we run the TCODE:RSA3 repetedly.

6.finally you can see the exact records in RSA3 .

7.goto bw sourcesystem then select the required source system->select required application component->replicate datasource --->assign data source.

after that we can do the futher process of infosource and infopackage and run the infopackage and see the records in BW monitor.

i hope this will be helpful ...



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hi Marta,

welcome to SDN ...

is there any error when you run OLI4BW ? fill setup finished well ?

can you see any records with transaction rsa3 ?

hope this helps.