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1 hour offset in timestamp through jconnect round midnight

Former Member

the new database still gives headaches: we are satisfied with the characters, but found another surprise: around midnight we get timestamps through jconnect which differ 1 hour to real time. that is at 00:15 we get the time 23:12 from day before. isql shows 00:15 today. we looked for timezone thing, found nothing strange. the weird thing is, that this time-offset shows only between 00:00 and 01:00 - after that, both isql-timestamps, jconnect-timestamps and wall clock timestamp are in sync. does this sound similar to someone?

we are still on ASA10, jonnect7 and java6.

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Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member

There is an issue that is caused by a bug with the jConnect driver where BIGDATETIME values are incorrectly handled between midnight and 1 AM.

An updated driver can be obtained from SDK 15.5 ESD #08 or higher that resolves the issue.

Solved Cases - 11637948

Former Member
0 Kudos

I am using jconn4.jar and calling a stored proc using simple test client.I see this issue for output paremeters.For result set it works fine.Does any one has a solution for output parameters?

0 Kudos

Please post a new question, with full details: your exact symptoms and the exact version you are using.

You have posted your comment on a 5-year-old reply.. be warned, laziness begets laziness! i.e., if you're too lazy to ask a new question, I'm too lazy to answer 🙂

...never mind 🙂

Volker has convinced me to stop being such a nanny.

0 Kudos

Well, I guess that may be due to my hint to that old question from that current one... - although we have not really got the required details there as well.

0 Kudos

You're right, I should relax more 🙂