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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

We are happy to invite you to our quarterly What’s New in SAP HANA Cloud webinar on March 30! 


What: What’s New in SAP HANA Cloud in March 2023 

When: March 30, 5PM CET (11AM EDT) 

Duration: 1 hour (presentation + Q&A) 

Are you looking for a first sneak peak of the upcoming release? Then, don't miss out on our teaser video on YouTube. Watch it now.

If the teaser made you curious, join our What’s New in SAP HANA Cloud webinar to learn more about and get demonstrations of the recent innovations introduced to SAP HANA Cloud, SAP HANA database and data lake. There, you can also ask our experts your open questions via the Q&A tool. They are happy to answer them all.

What will be covered in the webinar?

We'll start with the updates in the administrative area: jose_at_sap will guide us through four explicit updates. First, he will give you insights about the soon added possibility to reset the database admin passwords via self-service. Next, he will talk about the possibility of resizing instance memory, storage and vCPU with less downtime and without the need for an instance restart. Then, he will dive a little bit deeper into the administration of customer managed encryption keys and lastly, he will give some more details regarding the ‘Application Source’ session variable for workload class mapping.

Next on stage we will have christoph.morgen, our very own expert for Machine Learning in SAP HANA Cloud. He will give us a deep dive into the new Predictive Analysis Library (PAL) functions and enhancement highlights that will be delivered with QRC1 2023. Updates included are for example, the automated polynomial feature generation, the now supported ROCKET transformation enabling faster and more accurate time series classification, the support for “Explainability” for autoML classification and regression pipelines and many more.

Moreover, we will also release some new features and enhancements in the area of calculation view modeling. Our expert jan.zwickel will give us insights into the following innovations: User-Defined Functions in expressions of calculated columns and filters, attribute aggregation information​, adaption of sequence of elements​, data preview enhancements​, and choice of filter mapping​ direction.

This time we are also happy to have rittyjoseph#overview with us. She will take us on a tour through the innovations regarding our cloud infrastructure. She will talk about the increase of flexibility regarding elastic scaling in the cloud through the support of different performance classes.

Lastly, we have of course some news specifically related to the data lake within SAP HANA Cloud. robert.waywell#content:blogposts will tell us more about the introduction of the Boolean data type as well as the increasing throughput when moving or copying data in bulk to the relational engine in the SAP HANA Cloud, data lake.

Finally, our lead product manager for SAP HANA Cloud, thomas.hammer3, will round up the webinar giving us further insights into some other innovations like the self-service migration support of on-premise SAP HANA platform instances to SAP HANA Cloud and many more.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity – Register now!

If you cannot attend the call, no worries, you can watch the call shortly after the live webinar on demand. You can find it in our SAP HANA Cloud playlist on YouTube.

Do you already have questions? Feel free to post them in the comment section below this blogpost.

Do you want to learn more in advance of the webinar? Then check out these resources:




    • Harnessing Multi-Model Capabilities with Spotify – Processing Semi-Structured Data with SAP HANA Cloud/SAP Datasphere | Part 1 & Part 2

