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Prior to the release of SAP ASE 16.0 SP03 PL07, you can use Workload Analyzer with SAP ASE Cockpit in GUI mode. Now, you can use the command line utility for Workload Analyzer, wlacliutil.

The wlacliutil utility is in the $SYBASE/WLA (%SYBASE%\WLA for Windows) directory. It provides a command line interface for you to perform tasks like capturing, analyzing, and replaying workloads.

Here’s a summary of the main commands in wlacliutil and the corresponding tasks you can accomplish with them. For detailed information on using these commands, see Workload Analyzer Command Line Utility on the help portal.

Command Task
capture {start | stop | status | import | show | delete} [<capture name>]

  • Start a capture

  • Stop a capture

  • Get capture progress

  • Import a capture

  • Get capture info

  • Delete a capture

analyze {start | status | stop} [<workload name>]

  • Analyze a replay

  • Get analysis progress

  • Stop the analysis

replay {start | status | stop | show | delete} [<replay name>]

  • Start a replay

  • Get replay progress

  • Stop a replay

  • Get replay info

  • Delete a replay

compare {start | status | stop | show} [<replay name>]

  • Start to compare a replay with its original capture

  • Get the comparison status

  • Stop the comparison

  • Get the comparison result

The current version of wlacliutil does not provide complete analytical and statistical information, or comparison results. Please use SAP ASE Cockpit to view such information.

You can use wlacliutil either interactively or with a response file.

  • Interactive mode

In interactive mode, wlacliutil provides commands and menu prompts to help you make selections and enter proper values for each option.

For example, if you want to import a capture, enter the command:
capture import

The utility then prompts you to enter the capture name:

Enter capture name:

After you enter a name for the capture, a wizard is displayed for you to enter more information:

Enter comments for this capture:

Enter PCAP files location:

If the path you entered is not accessible, an error message is displayed. The utility then asks you to re-enter a valid PCAP files location. If it is accessible, the utility lists all available PCAP files under this directory and asks for more information:

Do you want to import all these PCAP files?  [ Y ]

A default value, Y, is provided. Leave it as-is if that’s what you want. Otherwise, enter N and here comes another request:

Enter files to be imported (using ',' to separate multiple files and wildcard characters are supported):


and so on and so on. You’re guided through the whole procedure until the task is complete.

  • With a response file

To use wlacliutil with a response file, specify the response file when starting the utility. For example:
wlacliutil -S <repository_server_name> -U<repository_username> -P<repository_password> -I<interfaces_file> -i<response_file>

A response file contains configuration information for tasks you need to perform in wlacliutil. You can create a response file either by saving your responses to the wizard in interactive mode or by modifying the sample files provided in the $SYBASE/WLA/template (%SYBASE%\WLA\template for Windows) directory. You can specify multiple tasks in a response file. wlacliutil performs them sequentially as they appear in the response file.

Below is an example of a response file for importing a capture.
# import options #
import.comments=This is a test.

# Capture file list. Absolute file names should be specified. For multiple files,
# use "," as the separator
# Indicate whether this imported workload will be analyzed automatically or not.
# Default value is "Yes". "No" means this workload will not be analyzed automatically
# and user will have to analyze it manually later.

For more information about the wlacliutil utility, see Workload Analyzer Command Line Utility on the help portal.