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This month SAP Women && Tech SAPsv hosted an SAP Data Hub workshop. A group of female techies from SAP Silicon Valley took the chance to learn about how to use SAP Data Hub in a morning session. Volunteers from Women && Tech SAPsv that also related to the SAP Data Hub team (Development, Quality Engineering, Product Marketing and PM) gave an introduction of what SAP Data Hub is, what the typical use case scenario are and how customers can benefit.

Taking advantage of using the SAP cloud appliance library ( to work with SAP Data Hub, we provided quite easy and intuitive ways to manage data operations (represented in data pipelines) in a specific data landscape consisting of SAP BW/HANA as enterprise data warehouse and Hadoop or better HDFS to store large amounts of sensor data. For the hands-on session we used event, device and customer data.


We covered in the workshop the data landscape management, discovery, pipelining, and scheduling features of SAP Data by putting ourselves in the shoes of a company that sells IT gadgets (desktops, laptops, mobile phones, servers, tablets...). Each gadget has at least five sensors to monitor the environmental conditions the gadget is used in: humidity, concussion, CPU usage, memory usage and temperature. And each sensor sends an event every thirty seconds which sums up to more than 5 million events per device and year. Especially, the combination of traditional BW data with new IoT data is basically one of the most typical use cases of SAP Data Hub.

The participants were excited about the future direction and vision of the product which is still considered new in the SAP cosmos, and all of them were looking for more internal knowledge sharing and agreed that is important to spread the word internally and get all open questions answered, especially with new products like SAP Data Hub that go far beyond traditional EIM tools. While the workshop provided SAP folks with a better understanding of the solution, it should also helped motivating fellow tech women to network and organize further workshops about the products they are involved in to also strengthen the local community.

What actually is SAP Data Hub?

SAP Data Hub enables the management of data operations to help companies accelerate and expand the data flow across a diverse data landscape. It includes features for data pipelines, workflows as well as data governance. Therefore the solution helps to refine and enrich various types of data across different sources, systems and business applications with data processing operations like machine learning.

The cool aspect of Data Hub is, that the distributed processing allows for data to be processed at the source (where possible) and it is also not limited to connecting SAP products themselves, but it  focuses on the interaction with other enterprise solutions, big data stores and open source components. Also, all components are executed on Kubernetes which makes the deployment much easier.


Some of the workshop attendees and organizers: Claudia Lehmann (Lead),
Michelle Mensing, Puntis Palazzolo, Pooja Khurana, Meghna Jhaveri & Ella Brand.


You missed the workshop but also want to get a better understanding of SAP Data Hub?

  1. Read product positioning and jens.rannacher#content:blog_posts & visit the SAP Data Hub YouTube channel for tutorials.

  2. Download the SAP Data Hub, developer editionor our trial edition and create your own data pipelines and data workflows.

  3. Educate and tell us about the SAP solution you are working for. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us (JAM community: Women && Tech SAPsv) to host a similar event for your product! We are happy to help with the logistics, communication & organization.


Usually, the confusion already starts with the word "Hub", since SAP Data Hub isn't centralizing data physically but is a central point for the data view, control and orchestration.

Thanks to our breakfast sponsor: Vipin Saraf