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Why Clean ABAP - A foundation for improvements

The main benefits of having a common understanding of a code style in a given programming language are improved maintainability, readability and testability. But there are also many other benefits and new possibilities, which this blog explores in more detail:

  • Why have a common set of rules? As an organization grows it helps to keep the code base consistent and allows to let the developers focus on the important aspects. There will be less conflicts about basics (e.g. formatting) due to a standard code style.

  • Fostering the principle of optimizing code for the reader: Given that code will be read far more often than it is written, an important principle for all rules is to optimize for the reader not the writer. Therefore the style guide weighs readability higher than using powerful expressions, which let the writer express something concisely, but are later hard to read.

  • Consistency of the code base: If the code base is built with the same principles and style guide in mind, it allows engineers to jump into an unfamiliar part of the code and make improvements quickly.

  • Improve Developer Experience: Having a consistent style guide creates an ecosystem on its own and allows to improve the developer experience. After the Clean ABAP style guide was published in 2019, the community started to create tooling for improving code reviews, documented code review practices, extended static code checks, developed training formats and made some tooling to automatically correct code. This consistency created the foundation for several InnerSource / open source projects, platform improvements and triggered the exploration of further ideas.

  • Scaling an organization: As an organization grows it is important to have a common understanding of the code style. It helps to ramp up new developers more quickly and focus the time on pair programming or code reviews on other aspects.

  • Also other roles - not only developers - benefit, e.g. consultants who need to make extensions or SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) teams who need to improve operations.

  • The consistency also improves the long-term maintenance since new engineers taking the ownership can understand more quickly and maintain the code.

  • The style guide allows to enforce rules with static code checks or even develop automatic corrections. So some discussions do not take place anymore, which allows to focus the developers time on more important aspects.

You can find more details about the Clean ABAP styleguide in the OpenSource repository and in the recently published book. Besides, there has been a podcast published recently. Further resources are:



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