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Let's pick up the conversation that we started last week. If you are joining this thread now, please check out When a Good Mobility Idea Becomes a Management Nightmare - Part 1 and When a Good Mobility Idea Becomes a Management Nightmare - Part 2.
Welcome back!
The last blog post introduced the topic of cost. So let's start there.
Lowering the Total Cost of Your Mobility Infrastructure

Industry analysts have found that among those companies providing mobility solutions to their employees, best-in-class companies serve more than twice the number of workers, at 41% lower cost per employee, than average companies. The difference is more dramatic when compared to “laggard” companies. Mobility solutions in the best-in-class companies have a 71% lower TCO per employee than the laggards. 1
Analysts have identified a number of key mobility “enablers” that produce a best-in-class strategy at a lower TCO per mobile employee. Many of these enablers are key features of a MADP, yet they are unavailable in mobility systems based on point solutions.
Here is a handy table that I have created based on my readings of analyst reports, customer conversations and mobile middleware and platform experience.

MADP solutions have clear operational and cost advantages over point solutions, but initial investment in a MADP is typically higher than rolling out a point solution. A MADP solution requires investment in the platform and development of an initial application.

If point solution entry costs are lower than entry costs for a MADP solution, when do the cost advantages afforded by MADP scalability outweigh the costs of managing a comparable point solution strategy?

Think about that and while you're pondering check out third party report about MADP solutions.  The eagerly anticipated 2013 Gartner Mobile Application Development Platform Mobile Quadrant Report is now available! You can read more about the report and understand why SAP has been positioned as a Leader in the report, check out the blog: SAP Positioned in Leaders Quadrant for Gartner Mobile App Development Platform MQ.

While you are reading the report, I'll prepare part 4 of this series. Stay tuned!

Borg, A. and Guarav, P. Mobile Enterprise Strategies: We’re All in This Together. E-Commerce Times, February 18, 2010
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