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SAP Analytics Cloud brings together analytics and planning with unique integration to SAP applications and seamless access to heterogenous data sources. It helps everyone in your organization make decisions without doubt with trusted insights and integrated plans.

This blog post introduces the features of the SAP Analytics Cloud 2022.20 release available for SAP Analytics Cloud FastTrack customers. For SAP Analytics Cloud Quarterly Release Cycle (QRC) customers, this release and its features will be available as part of the QRC Q4 2022 release. View the QRC release schedule here.


System Administration and Technical Requirements

Although not required, you may upgrade to the latest SAP Analytics Cloud agent version 1.0.355 to take advantage of all data acquisition types.

The agent’s minimum version remains at 1.0.75, with the following exceptions:

Version 1.0.99 for SAP ERP/SQL Database
Version 1.0.91 for SAP universe (UNX)
Version 1.0.353 for SAP Business Warehouse (BW)
Version 1.0.235 for SAP HANA View
Version 1.0.248 for File Server

For more information, see System Requirements and Technical Prerequisites.


Release Highlights


Administration & Service Management

Request Access for Workspace Resources

Users with access to workspaces can now request access to related resources through the catalog. This enhances discoverability of workspace content through the catalog and enables users to benefit from the request access workflow. System administrators can approve or deny requests in the file requests section. (SAP Roadmap Explorer)

Move or Copy Content Between My Files and Workspaces

Non-administrative users can now move or copy content from a workspace to any other location including public folders, another workspace, or personal my files. (SAP Roadmap Explorer)

Export a Content Network Package to a Physical file (dot) package

Users can now download a package from the Analytics Content Network (ACN) to a physical file (*.package) and store it externally. This allows customers to store historic transports for compliance reasons and use the physical file for manual content transport between tenants of SAP Analytics Cloud. (SAP Roadmap Explorer)


Analytics Cataloging

Administrator Level Control of Catalog Settings

Administrators can now promote content in the catalog and control the catalog settings for new users. This will enhance the onboarding of new users through improved discoverability of recommended resources. (SAP Roadmap Explorer)


Augmented Analytics

Predictive Planning

​​​​​​​Understanding the Impact of Cycles on the Predictions

A new chart in predictive scenarios showcases the impact of each value of a temporal cycle on the predictive forecast. Predictive planning users will gain detailed insights to better understand the cyclic behaviours in their business such as how different time periods influence predictions, and will be able to drill down from the detected cycles to the impact of each time period. (SAP Roadmap Explorer)


Dashboard & Story Design

Improved Filtering Usability

For easier filter navigation and interaction with your story, the horizontal filter bar now groups remaining story filters into a single drop-down menu. With one-click, users can interact with a specific filter and can get a full view and understanding of the context of story filters that are impacting the dashboard. This is exclusively available within the Optimized Story Experience. (SAP Roadmap Explorer)

Optimized Story Experience Updates

These are the set of features that are now supported in the Optimized Story Experience (OVM/ODE):

  • Improved Support for iOS and Android SAC Mobile App. Jump to Mobile Analytics updates for more details.

  • Export to CSV (All) in Charts and Tables

The following set of features are now supported in the Optimized Design Experience (ODE):

  • Dynamic Image

  • BW Custom Groups

  • Geo Visualization – Bubble and Heatmap Layer

BW Custom Groups Improvements

Within charts, improvements have been made to make it easier for a story designer to manage, create, and edit any existing custom groups.

  • On a per dimension basis the more action icon (…) will now have a submenu option called Manage Custom Groups

  • Manage Custom Groups allows the user to create, edit or delete a custom grouping

  • A new custom group that is created from this new submenu will not be automatically applied to the chart unlike creating a custom group from the hierarchy menu

Please note that these updates are available in the Optimized Design Experience. They are not supported in the Classic Design Experience.

Geo Visualization: Bubble and Heatmap Layer Panel Improvements

There is a UX enhancement in the builder panel for Bubble and Heatmap Layers in Geo Visualizations:

  • It has been redesigned to align with the Chart Builder Panel to provide a seamless end-to-end experience (i.e. Available Objects List, Add-Ons, and so on)

  • There is a new section Layer Name

Location Clustering has been improved to provide the best experience based on the number of data points:

  • If the number of display points is less than the clustering threshold (5000 is the default), location clustering will automatically be turned off

  • You can manually enable location clustering – it will display a Performance Optimization Tip in case the number of data points is less than the clustering threshold

Please note that these improvements are available in the Optimized Design Experience. They are not supported in the Classic Design Experience.


Data Integration

Data Export Service now supports the Delta Functionality with Three-legged Authentication

In wave release 2022.19, we released the initial Delta Support for Data Export API with OAuth two Legged support only. Now, three legged authentication is supported. With three legged authentication, data will be extracted based on what a user can see in the model.


Data Modeling

Expose MEMBERSET for New Model/Universal Model

Introducing two new formulas which allows modelers to create restricted calculated measures using accounts. For the formal to be made available, the model must contain measures and accounts as a cross-reference of each other.


    • Returns a cell value based on a measure name, filtered by an account member


    • Returns a cell value based on an account member, filtered by a measure name

Exception Aggregation by Properties

In the new model type, users can now optimize formulas containing an exception aggregation by specifying dimensions properties. Values will be automatically filled in the Modeler and users can select further exception aggregation dimension properties from the multi-select dialogue that’s been enabled. (SAP Roadmap Explorer)


Enterprise Planning

BPC Live - Enable New Line

With the “Add Member” functionality, users can now enable a new line to a table built on an SAP BPC Embedded model. This functionality is supported for booked dimensions on row when measures are placed on column. (SAP Roadmap Explorer)

Data Entry - Versions are Better Handled When You Make Data Entry in Table

Versions are better handled when you make data entry in a table. For example, the public edit mode of versions can now be correctly created when you make data entry in tables with no versions defined in the axes or filters, or those with conflicting versions defined in the axes, filters, and calculations. The following screenshots demonstrate how the version is determined for a table cell and its corresponding public edit mode created when doing data entry:

Multi Actions - RESTful API Step Type

Users can now integrate on-premise and cloud-based external applications using a http API. The http API allows for:

  • Triggered events or execution in SAP and non-SAP target systems

  • Chain external applications calls with in-application execution including:

    • Data actions

    • Data import

    • Predictive forecasting

The http API type connection needs to be created as a pre-requisite for the API step of multi actions, and this connection is specific for the API step of multi actions. (SAP Roadmap Explorer)

For more details, check out these blog posts:

Plan Entry - Data Locking Support for Restricted Measures/Accounts

Data locks are now properly enforced on restricted measures and accounts and conversion measures, based on the lock states of their source’s measures and accounts. Both modeler and story defined restrictions are supported. Previously, the lock state of restricted measures/accounts were shown as “?”. (SAP Roadmap Explorer)

Plan Process Management - Bulk Editing for Calendar Tasks

It is now possible to make bulk edits for calendar tasks, simplifying the maintenance of many planning processes. A new wizard guides users through four individual steps to make updates. Changes will be applied in the background and visible upon refresh. (SAP Roadmap Explorer)

Updates include:

  • General information (e.g. Name/Description)

  • Work Files

  • Time parameters (e.g. Start/Due Date)

  • Participants (e.g. Owner, Assignee, Reviewer)

  • Others (e.g. Parent Process, Context)

Value Driver Tree - Drill Into

It is now possible to drill into a dimension on a value driver tree. For each selected member, intermediate notes are created and the whole subtree (if one exists) of the selected node is copied for each selected dimension member. Filters will be applied to each subtree (original and copied). This simplifies the creation or duplication of subtrees for a different filter members. Moreover, it adds another option for automatic VDT creation via intermedia nodes (e.g. by using the measure but different dimension member filters). (SAP Roadmap Explorer)

Value Driver Tree - Duplicate Node

Users looking to a create a node similar to an existing node can now do so using the “Duplicate Node” option from the node context menu and made changes as required.



Mobile Analytics

Optimized Story Experience Updates in SAP Analytics Cloud Mobile Application

The following features are now supported in Optimized Story Experience in mobile apps:

  • Measure Based Filters

  • Story-Level Linked Analysis

  • Story Hyperlink Filters

  • Mobile App URL Hyperlink

Measure Based Filters Support

Users can now view and modify measure based filters for more flexibility to see the data that is needed.

Story-Level Linked Analysis Support

Users can now view and remove applied story-level linked analysis filters in the filter panel. This provides a more seamless experience when dealing with story-level linked analysis filters in mobile, as the information will be consolidated in one place for easy viewing.

Story Hyperlink Filters Support

Users can add a hyperlink to another story with a dimension cascade, applying a dimension filter to the target story. This will provide an easy way to view multiple stories with the information required in an efficient and clear manner.

Mobile App URL Hyperlink Support

Users can now directly open different mobile applications on their devices directly from the story they are viewing.


User Collaboration

Datapoint Comment on Model Calculations

Datapoint commenting (in table and comment widget) can be added to data cells sourced from calculations defined in the Modeler, which include calculated accounts (accounts with formulas), calculated measures, and conversion measures.

Please note that commenting will be available where model variables are enabled. Where currency variables are used, the variable value is not considered as part of the comment context. (SAP Roadmap Explorer)

Dimension Comment

With dimension comments, users can now comment on dimension member combinations in a table, enabling the ability to define the context for them. These comments are not associated with values, but are rather a description of a set of dimension members being used in the table. These comments also come with flexible and powerful edit capabilities. It is possible to copy and paste dimension comments within the same table, across tables within the same story, from tables in another story, and from external sources like a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. (SAP Roadmap Explorer)

Two example use cases:

  • Line Item Planning: A budget requester would like to input line item details for each cost objects. No master data is needed per line iterm.

  • Sales Planning: The same product ID may refer to different product descriptions depending on region, distribution channel, etc. A dimension comment can help simplify the process without introducing additional master data or complexity.

Set Story Filter Values While Scheduling a Story

When scheduling a story, users now have the option to select filter values to deliver filtered content. This can be done while creating a schedule or edited within a schedule.

Max Number of Parallel Publication in a Tenant

Administrators can limit the number of parallel publications running at the same time to reduce the load on the backend system and ensure the priority is given to users who are trying to access the database using a workflow.


This blog post only provides a high-level overview of the latest features and enhancements of SAP Analytics Cloud. You can find more details on these features in your In-App Help Guide for FastTrack customers and see this SAP Knowledge Base Article if you’d like to learn more about FastTrack and Quarterly Release Cycle releases. 


If you have any questions, you can comment below or post a question to our SAP Analytics Cloud Questions & Answers forum. Visit our SAP Analytics Cloud Community pages to find more product information, best practices, and more. And check out our SAP Road Map Explorer to see more upcoming features of SAP Analytics Cloud.

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