When you want to expose data residing into a HANA database to the outside world, the recommended best practice is to use
Recently, SAP started promoting a new
Cloud Application Programming model (CAP). The SAP Cloud Application Programming model is a framework of languages, libraries, and tools for building enterprise-grade services and applications. It guides developers along a ‘golden path’ of proven
best practices and a great wealth of
out-of-the-box solutions to recurring tasks.
CAP-based projects benefit from a
primary focus on domain. Instead of delving into overly technical disciplines.
In this blog, I will use the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model to create tables on SAP HANA Cloud, and expose these tables as OData services.With this method, data is exposed using OData v4.0. As opposed to the traditional
xsodata method, where data is exposed using OData v2.0.
References :
Combine CAP with SAP HANA Cloud to Create Full-Stack Applications
SAP Experience academy (SAP Internal)
CAP Getting started guide
Get your development environment ready
When your HANA Cloud instance is set up, and you are ready to start, open the subscriptions in your subaccount and click on SAP Business Application Studio.

Create a new Dev space.

Select the SAP Cloud Business Application Template and provide a name for your Dev Space.

Wait until the status changes from
Starting to
Running, then
click on the tile with the Dev Space name. In the background, the Dev Space has been prepared with all of the necessary components that you would otherwise have to install on your laptop. For example, Node JS, CDS, etc.

Create a CAP Project from a template
Now we have our Business Application Studio started, configured and ready for use. On the Welcome tab, click on "Create project from template".

Select the
@Sisn/cap Project template.

Check the hana box in order to include SAP HANA-related features in your project.

Behind the scenes, your project will be generated. Once complete, the screen will return and you will see a pop-up message box in the bottom right to open a workspace with your project. Click on the
Open in New Workspace button.

The editor will reopen in a new workspace and now you can start creating.
Notice the blue bar at the bottom of your screen that the Space has not been set with Cloud Foundy.
Click on this bar to connect Business Application Studio to the space where you want to deploy your OData service.

Insert the Cloud foundry endpoint, then enter your credentials and select the space in which you want to work.

Create your database model
Business Application Studio is now connected to your Cloud Foundry space, let's create objects in your database model.
From the File Structure on the left, right-click on the db folder and create a new file ending with .cds .
I call mine
schema.cds . The name of the file can be anything, this file will define all objects(tables, views) deployed in your HANA database.

Within the new schema.cds, create your first CAP Structure :
namespace scp.cloud;
using {
} from '@sap/cds/common';
entity SafetyIncidents : cuid {
title : String(50) @title : 'Title';
description : String(1000) @title : 'Description';

In this example, we are defining a namespace scp.cloud.
We then call the library
@sap/cds/common and use the
cuid aspect. It automatically defines an ID column for us in the entity SafetyIncidents. Learn more about aspects in the
CAP documentation.
An entity defined in CAP will be deployed as a table in your database.
Open a terminal window by going to the Top Menu and selecting Terminal -> New Terminal.

Within your project folder, execute the command
npm install

Now we will introduce you to a very useful command:
cds watch .
Whenever you feed your project with new content, for example, by adding or modifying .cds , .json , or .js files, the server automatically restarts to serve the new content.
cds watch
in the terminal window.
As long as that command is running, each time you change the project structure, it will automatically save and redeploy those project changes.
After a few seconds, the
cds watch command generates your OData service.
It also creates the table from schema.cds in an SQLite database within your development environment.
Click on the button
Expose and Open to see if your initial empty service gets rendered in the browser window.

It is still empty now.

Expose an entity as an OData service
Now that we have an entity for
defined, you can easily add a service definition to expose it as an OData service. Lets do that now! C
reate a new file within the srv folder called incidentService.cds

, enter the following code:
using scp.cloud from '../db/schema';
service IncidentService {
entity SafetyIncidents as projection on cloud.SafetyIncidents;

The first line references the schema.cds file we created earlier. The second line exposes cloud.SafetyIncidents as an OData service called Incident Service.

If you closed your preview tab, you can always re-open it by clicking on view: find commands, then searching for the command
Ports: Preview . This will open a preview of the currently exposed ports.

Now let's insert some data into our table. Start by creating a new folder called
data within the db folder.

Within that folder, create a file called
with the following entries:
067460c5-196c-4783-9563-ede797399da8;Broken machine;The printing machine is leaking
efec3e9f-ceea-4d17-80a7-50073f71c322;Software bug;The computer is on fire
The file name has to match the name space (scp.cloud) and the entity name (SafetyIncidents) where you want to insert data.

Double check as shown in the screenshot that you have the right spelling of the data folder under the db folder and that the filename is spelt correctly. Make sure that the column names are correct in the actual csv file.
If the cds watch is still running, stop it once and execute
cds run in the terminal to ensure data is imported into your SQLite table.
The message
> filling scp.cloud.SafetyIncidents from db/data/scp.cloud.SafetyIncidents.csv tells you that data is being imported.

Now that's it running, you can open the service and click on the SafetyIncidents entry, you should see the following data:

You now have a table deployed on your SQLite database within your development environment, filled with some test data. This table is exposed through an OData service which can be accessed from outside through REST calls.
Deploy your data model and your OData service to SAP BTP
Now that you have the backend services running on SQLite in a local environment, it's time to get this project running on SAP HANA Cloud.
Quick recap
- A schema for the incident management application has been created
- A service definition has been added to expose the correct entities
- The SQLite node module let us run the application connected to SQLite with data loaded into a table
Prepare your project for HANA Cloud
On SAP HANA Cloud, CDS models are deployed through the
formats instead of
. Edit your
package.json to
set the deploy-format to hdbtable.
Add the following line in the "cds" section of package.json.
"hana" : { "deploy-format": "hdbtable" }
Your code should be similar to this screenshot :

Build your project
Within the Node.JS world, there is an environment variable called NODE_ENV. Until now we have been using the "development" environment. It is time to switch that variable to "production". It will affect the way that CDS behave. In order to deploy your project to SAP BTP, the following commands must be run from the Terminal window.
- Stop your running cds process with CTRL+C if it's already running.
- Execute :
export NODE_ENV=production
- After this command runs successfully, execute :
cds build/all --clean

This command will build all of the relevant HANA artifacts and place them in a newly created folder that you should now see called
gen. If you expland it, you should see 2 folders
DB and
SRV. As you might expect, if you drill into the DB folder, you will see the HANA
DB artifacts and if you drill into the
SRV, there are new files in there as well.
Create your HDI Container and deploy objects
Once the build process has completed, you will now execute 3 commands in succession in order to (1)create the HANA Deployment Infrastructure (HDI) container on Cloud Foundry, (2)deploy the HANA Artifacts and (3)deploy the SRV Artifacts.
Notice that in your terminal, the build process tells you which command you need to run in order to create the HDI container.
Execute the following command:
cf create-service hana hdi-shared cap_project-db
(The creation of the container can take a few minutes, you should wait before executing the next step!)
This will create a HDI container called
Note: On the screenshot below, I run the command
cf create-service hanatrial hdi-shared cap_project-db
: I am actually deploying on "HANA as a Service".
Use the parameter
hana to deploy on HANA Cloud.

Execute the following command: cf push -f gen/db -k 256M
This will deploy the generated
objects to your HDI Container.
The HDI container creation takes a couple of minutes,

Execute the following command:
cf push -f gen/srv --random-route -k 320M
This will deploy the Node.JS application exposing your OData service.

If all three of the last commands executed correctly, you should see a route specified towards the bottom of the terminal window. The use of the word option
directs the process to create a random URL.
Once you find the route name that was generated uniquely for you, you can paste that URL into a browser to validate that it is running and available on the internet.

Open a web browser, paste your newly created route and you should see a familiar screen that looks like this when you open your entity. This fully deployed service is now available on the internet and using SAP HANA Cloud as a persistence layer.

Good job, you just deployed an OData service on SAP HANA Cloud !
Expore further
If you want to build a more complex OData service, here are some ideas to start. I will use this service in my next blog where I create a Fiori UI to create an application where users can report Safety Incidents. Explore the entity definitions below and the
CAP Documentation to learn how CAP makes your life easier.
Replace your
file with the following code:
namespace scp.cloud;
using {
} from '@sap/cds/common';
entity SafetyIncidents : cuid, managed {
title : String(50) @title : 'Title';
category : Association to Category @title : 'Category';
priority : Association to Priority @title : 'Priority';
incidentStatus : Association to IncidentStatus @title : 'IncidentStatus';
description : String(1000) @title : 'Description';
incidentResolutionDate : Date @title : 'ResolutionDate';
assignedIndividual : Association to Individual;
incidentPhotos : Association to many IncidentPhotos
on incidentPhotos.safetyIncident = $self;
incidentHistory : Association to many IncidentHistory
on incidentHistory.safetyIncident = $self;
entity Individual : cuid, managed {
firstName : String @title : 'First Name';
lastName : String @title : 'Last Name';
emailAddress : String @title : 'Email Address';
safetyIncidents : Association to many SafetyIncidents
on safetyIncidents.assignedIndividual = $self;
entity IncidentHistory : cuid, managed {
oldStatus : Association to IncidentStatus @title : 'OldCategory';
newStatus : Association to IncidentStatus @title : 'NewCategory';
safetyIncident : Association to SafetyIncidents;
entity IncidentPhotos : cuid, managed {
@Core.IsMediaType : true imageType : String;
@Core.MediaType : ImageType image : LargeBinary;
safetyIncident : Association to SafetyIncidents;
entity IncidentsCodeList : common.CodeList {
key code : String(20);
entity Category : IncidentsCodeList {}
entity Priority : IncidentsCodeList {}
entity IncidentStatus : IncidentsCodeList {}
Replace your
with the following code:
using scp.cloud from '../db/schema';
service IncidentService {
entity SafetyIncidents as projection on cloud.SafetyIncidents {*,assignedIndividual: redirected to Individual };
entity Individual as projection on cloud.Individual {*,safetyIncidents : redirected to SafetyIncidents};
entity SafetyIncidentsNoImages as projection on cloud.SafetyIncidents{ID ,createdAt, priority, incidentStatus,description};
entity IncidentPhotos as projection on cloud.IncidentPhotos {*,safetyIncident : redirected to SafetyIncidents};
entity IncidentHistory as projection on cloud.IncidentHistory {*,safetyIncident : redirected to SafetyIncidents};
entity IncidentsByCategory as select from cloud.SafetyIncidents {count(ID) as categories:Integer,key category} Group By category;
@readonly entity Category as projection on cloud.Category;
@readonly entity Priority as projection on cloud.Priority;
Find here a few more advanced examples of using CAP to develop applications :
Maxime SIMON