cordova plugin add kapsel-plugin-logon --searchpath $KAPSEL_HOME/plugins
cordova plugin add kapsel-plugin-logger --searchpath $KAPSEL_HOME/plugins
cordova plugin add kapsel-plugin-odata --searchpath $KAPSEL_HOME/plugins
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file-transfer
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, width=device-width">
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="datajs-1.1.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="serverContext.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="cordova.js"></script>
var applicationContext = null;
var online = false;
var store = null; //Offline OData store
var startTime = new Date();
var initTime = null;
var unlockTime = null;
var resumeTime = null;
window.onerror = onError;
function onError(msg, url, line) {
var idx = url.lastIndexOf("/");
var file = "unknown";
if (idx > -1) {
file = url.substring(idx + 1);
alert("An error occurred in " + file + " (at line # " + line + "): " + msg);
return false; //suppressErrorAlert;
function init() {
updateStatus2("Calling Logon.init");
initTime = new Date();
var endTime = new Date();
var duration = (endTime - startTime)/1000;
console.log("EventLogging: Time from onload to deviceready " + duration + " seconds");
if (sap.Logger) {
sap.Logger.setLogLevel(sap.Logger.DEBUG); //enables the display of debug log messages from the Kapsel plugins.
sap.Logger.debug("EventLogging: Log level set to DEBUG");
if (navigator.notification) { // Override default HTML alert with native dialog. alert is not supported on Windows
window.alert = navigator.notification.alert;
console.log("EventLogging: init completed");
function logonSuccessCallback(result) {
updateStatus2("logonSuccessCallback called");
var endTime = new Date();
if (unlockTime) {
var duration = (endTime - unlockTime)/1000;
console.log("EventLogging: Unlock Time " + duration + " seconds");
unlockTime = null;
console.log("EventLogging: logonSuccessCallback " + JSON.stringify(result));
applicationContext = result;
function logonErrorCallback(error) { //this method is called if the user cancels the registration.
alert("An error occurred: " + JSON.stringify(error));
if (device.platform == "Android") { //Not supported on iOS
function read() {
updateStatus2("Read request started");
startTime = new Date();
if (!applicationContext) {
alert("Register or unlock before proceeding");
sUrl = applicationContext.applicationEndpointURL + "/CarrierCollection?$format=json&$orderby=carrid"; //JSON format is less verbose than atom/xml
var oHeaders = {};
//oHeaders['X-SMP-APPCID'] = applicationContext.applicationConnectionId; //not needed as this will be sent by the logon plugin
var request = {
headers : oHeaders,
requestUri : sUrl,
method : "GET"
if (device.platform == "windows") { //provided by the authproxy and logon plugins on Android and iOS but not on Windows https://support.wdf.sap.corp/sap/support/message/1680272744
request.user = applicationContext.registrationContext.user;
request.password = applicationContext.registrationContext.password;
OData.read(request, readSuccessCallback, errorCallback);
function readSuccessCallback(data, response) {
var endTime = new Date();
var duration = (endTime - startTime)/1000;
updateStatus2("Read " + data.results.length + " records in " + duration + " seconds");
var carrierTable = document.getElementById("carrierTable");
for (var i = data.results.length -1; i >= 0; i--) {
var row = carrierTable.insertRow(1);
var cell1 = row.insertCell(0);
var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);
cell1.innerHTML = data.results[i].carrid;
cell2.innerHTML = data.results[i].CARRNAME;
function clearTable() {
var carrierTable = document.getElementById("carrierTable");
while(carrierTable.rows.length > 1) {
function errorCallback(e) {
alert("An error occurred: " + JSON.stringify(e));
function register() {
updateStatus2("Calling Logon.init");
sap.Logon.init(logonSuccessCallback, logonErrorCallback, appId, context);
function uploadDB() {
var serverURL= "https://" + applicationContext.registrationContext.serverHost;
var uploadURL = serverURL + "/mobileservices/application/" + appId+ "/offlinestoreupload/v1/runtime/application/" + appId+ "/device/" + applicationContext.applicationConnectionId
// alert("hi johny");
var filesToCopy = [];
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.documentsDirectory, function(dataDirectoryEntry) {
var reader = dataDirectoryEntry.createReader();
reader.readEntries(function(entries) {
entries.forEach(function(entry) {
if (entry.name.endsWith('.udb')) {
alert("i found files");
var successCallBack = function (r) {
console.log("Code = " + r.responseCode);
console.log("Response = " + r.response);
console.log("Sent = " + r.bytesSent);
var errorCallBack = function (error) {
alert("An error has occurred: Code = " + error.code);
console.log("upload error source " + error.source);
console.log("upload error target " + error.target);
var options = new FileUploadOptions();
options.fileKey = "file";
options.fileName = filesToCopy[0].name;
options.fileName1 = filesToCopy[1].name;
var ft = new FileTransfer();
ft.upload(filesToCopy[0].nativeURL, encodeURI(uploadURL), successCallBack, errorCallBack, options);
ft.upload(filesToCopy[1].nativeURL, encodeURI(uploadURL), successCallBack, errorCallBack, options);
function unRegister() {
updateStatus2("Calling deleteRegistration");
sap.Logon.core.deleteRegistration(logonUnregisterSuccessCallback, errorCallback);
function logonUnregisterSuccessCallback(result) {
updateStatus2("Successfully Unregistered");
console.log("EventLogging: logonUnregisterSuccessCallback " + JSON.stringify(result));
applicationContext = null;
function lock() {
sap.Logon.lock(logonLockSuccessCallback, errorCallback);
function logonLockSuccessCallback(result) {
console.log("EventLogging: logonLockSuccessCallback " + JSON.stringify(result));
applicationContext = null;
showScreen("LockedDiv"); //sap.Logon.unlock(function () {},function (error) {}); //alternatively show the unlock screen
function unlock() {
unlockTime = new Date();
sap.Logon.unlock(logonSuccessCallback, errorCallback);
function managePasscode() {
sap.Logon.managePasscode(managePasscodeSuccessCallback, errorCallback);
function managePasscodeSuccessCallback() {
console.log("EventLogging: managePasscodeSuccess");
function showScreen(screenIDToShow) {
var screenToShow = document.getElementById(screenIDToShow);
screenToShow.style.display = "block";
var screens = document.getElementsByClassName('screenDiv');
for (var i = 0; i < screens.length; i++) {
if (screens[i].id != screenToShow.id) {
screens[i].style.display = "none";
function openStore() {
console.log("EventLogging: openStore");
startTime = new Date();
updateStatus2("store.open called");
var properties = {
"name": "CarrierOfflineStore",
"host": applicationContext.registrationContext.serverHost,
"port": applicationContext.registrationContext.serverPort,
"https": applicationContext.registrationContext.https,
"serviceRoot" : appId,
//"storePath" : cordova.file.externalRootDirectory,
"definingRequests" : {
"CarriersDR" : "/CarrierCollection"
if (device.platform == "windows") {
var authStr = "Basic " + btoa(applicationContext.registrationContext.user + ":" + applicationContext.registrationContext.password);
properties.streamParams = "custom_header=Authorization:" + authStr;
store = sap.OData.createOfflineStore(properties);
var options = {};
store.open(openStoreSuccessCallback, errorCallback, options, progressCallback);
function openStoreSuccessCallback() {
var endTime = new Date();
var duration = (endTime - startTime)/1000;
updateStatus2("Store opened in " + duration + " seconds");
updateStatus1("Store is OPEN.");
console.log("EventLogging: openStoreSuccessCallback. Stored opened in " + duration);
sap.OData.applyHttpClient(); //Offline OData calls can now be made against datajs.
function closeStore() {
if (!store) {
updateStatus2("The store must be opened before it can be closed");
console.log("EventLogging: closeStore");
updateStatus2("store.close called");
store.close(closeStoreSuccessCallback, errorCallback);
function closeStoreSuccessCallback() {
console.log("EventLogging: closeStoreSuccessCallback");
updateStatus1("Store is CLOSED.");
updateStatus2("Store closed");
//Removes the physical store from the filesystem
function clearStore() {
console.log("EventLogging: clearStore");
if (!store) {
updateStatus2("The store must be closed before it can be cleared");
store.clear(clearStoreSuccessCallback, errorCallback);
function clearStoreSuccessCallback() {
console.log("EventLogging: clearStoreSuccessCallback");
updateStatus2("Store is CLEARED");
store = null;
function refreshStore() {
console.log("EventLogging: refreshStore");
if (!store) {
updateStatus2("The store must be open before it can be refreshed");
startTime = new Date();
updateStatus2("Store refresh called");
store.refresh(refreshStoreCallback, errorCallback, null, progressCallback);
function refreshStoreCallback() {
console.log("EventLogging: refreshStoreCallback");
var endTime = new Date();
var duration = (endTime - startTime)/1000;
updateStatus2("Store refreshed in " + duration + " seconds");
function flushStore() {
console.log("EventLogging: flushStore");
if (!store) {
updateStatus2("The store must be open before it can be flushed");
startTime = new Date();
updateStatus2("Store flush called");
store.flush(flushStoreSuccessCallback, errorCallback, null, progressCallback);
function flushStoreSuccessCallback() {
console.log("EventLogging: flushStoreSuccessCallback");
var endTime = new Date();
var duration = (endTime - startTime)/1000;
updateStatus2("Store flushed in " + duration + " seconds");
function viewLog() {
if (sap.Logger) {
sap.Logger.getLogEntries(getLogEntriesSuccess, errorCallback)
else {
alert("ensure the kapsel-logger plugin has been added to the project");
function getLogEntriesSuccess(logEntries) {
var stringToShow = "";
var logArray;
if (device.platform == "windows") {
logArray = logEntries.split("\n");
if (logArray.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < logArray.length; i++) {
stringToShow += logArray[i] + "\n";
else if (device.platform == "iOS") {
logArray = logEntries.split("\n");
if (logArray.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < logArray.length; i++) {
logLineEntries = logArray[i].split(" ");
for (var j = 7; j < logLineEntries.length; j++) {
stringToShow += logLineEntries[j] + " ";
stringToShow = stringToShow + "\n";
else { //Android
logArray = logEntries.split('#');
if (logArray.length > 0) {
var numOfMessages = parseInt(logArray.length / 15);
for (var i = 0; i < numOfMessages; i++) {
stringToShow += logArray[i * 15 + 1] + ": " + logArray[i * 15 + 3] + ": " + logArray[i * 15 + 14] + "\n";
console.log("EventLogging: Device Log follows " + stringToShow);
function updateStatus1(msg) {
document.getElementById('statusID').innerHTML = msg + " " + getDeviceStatusString();
console.log("EventLogging: " + msg + " " + getDeviceStatusString());
function updateStatus2(msg) {
var d = new Date();
document.getElementById('statusID2').innerHTML = msg + " at " + addZero(d.getHours()) + ":" + addZero(d.getMinutes()) + "." + addZero(d.getSeconds());
console.log("EventLogging: " + msg + " at " + addZero(d.getHours()) + ":" + addZero(d.getMinutes()) + "." + addZero(d.getSeconds()));
function addZero(input) {
if (input < 10) {
return "0" + input;
return input;
function getDeviceStatusString() {
if (online) {
return "Device is ONLINE";
else {
return "Device is OFFLINE";
function progressCallback(progressStatus) {
var status = progressStatus.progressState;
var lead = "unknown";
if (status === sap.OfflineStore.ProgressState.STORE_DOWNLOADING) {
lead = "Downloading ";
else if (status === sap.OfflineStore.ProgressState.REFRESH) {
lead = "Refreshing ";
else if (status === sap.OfflineStore.ProgressState.FLUSH_REQUEST_QUEUE) {
lead = "Flushing ";
else if (status === sap.OfflineStore.ProgressState.DONE) {
lead = "Complete ";
else {
alert("Unknown status in progressCallback");
updateStatus2(lead + "Sent: " + progressStatus.bytesSent + " Received: " + progressStatus.bytesRecv + " File Size: " + progressStatus.fileSize);
function deviceOnline() {
online = true;
function deviceOffline() {
online = false;
function onLoad() {
console.log("EventLogging: onLoad");
function onBeforeUnload() {
console.log("EventLogging: onBeforeUnLoad");
function onUnload() {
console.log("EventLogging: onUnload");
function onPause() {
console.log("EventLogging: onPause");
function onResume() {
resumeTime = new Date();
console.log("EventLogging: onResume");
function onSapResumeSuccess() {
console.log("EventLogging: onSapResumeSuccess");
var endTime = new Date();
var duration = (endTime - resumeTime)/1000;
console.log("EventLogging: Time from onresume to onSapResumeSuccess " + duration + " seconds");
function onSapLogonSuccess() {
console.log("EventLogging: onSapLogonSuccess");
function onSapResumeError(error) {
console.log("EventLogging: onSapResumeError " + JSON.stringify(error));
document.addEventListener("deviceready", init, false);
document.addEventListener("pause", onPause, false);
document.addEventListener("resume", onResume, false);
document.addEventListener("online", deviceOnline, false);
document.addEventListener("offline", deviceOffline, false);
document.addEventListener("onSapResumeSuccess", onSapResumeSuccess, false);
document.addEventListener("onSapLogonSuccess", onSapLogonSuccess, false);
document.addEventListener("onSapResumeError", onSapResumeError, false);
<body onload="onLoad()" onunload="onUnload()" onbeforeunload="onBeforeUnload()">
<div class="screenDiv" id="LoadingDiv">
<h1>Loading ...</h1>
<div class="screenDiv" id="LockedDiv" style="display: none">
<button id="unlock2" onclick="unlock()">Unlock</button>
<div class="screenDiv" id="MainDiv" style="display: none">
<h1>Offline Sample</h1>
<button id="read" onclick="read()">Read</button>
<button id="unregister" onclick="unRegister()">Unregister</button>
<button id="openStore" onclick="setTimeout(openStore, 10);">Open Offline Store</button>
<button id="closeStore" onclick="closeStore()">Close Offline Store</button>
<button id="clearStore" onclick="clearStore()">Clear Offline Store</button>
<button id="sync" onclick="flushStore()">Flush and Refresh</button>
<button id="clearLog" onclick="sap.Logger.clearLog();updateStatus2('Cleared the Log')">Clear Log</button><br>
<button id="viewLog" onclick="viewLog()">View Log</button>
<button id="uploadDB" onclick="uploadDB()">upload DB</button><br>
<span id="statusID"></span><br>
<span id="statusID2"></span>
<table id="carrierTable"><tr><th>Carrier ID</th><th>Carrier Name</th></tr></table>
var appId = "com.kapsel.gs"; // Change this to app id on server
// Optional initial connection context
var context = {
//"serverHost": "", //Place your SMP 3.0 server name here
"serverHost": "hcpms-xxxxtrial.hanatrial.ondemand.com", //SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services
"https": true, //true for SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services
"serverPort": "443", //443 for SAP Cloud Platform Mobile Services
//"multiUser": true,
//"useLocalStorage": false,
//"user": "xxxx", //For demo purposes, specify the user name and password you wish to register with here to save typing on the device
//"password": "xxxx", //Note, if you wish to use this user name and password to be passed to the backend OData producer, choose Basic as the SSO mechanism
"auth": [ { "type": "saml2.web.post" } ], //Indicates that a redirect to a SAML IDP should be used for registration
"refreshSAMLSessionOnResume": "skip", // Useful for offline apps when you may not wish for a saml check to be performed when the app is resumed since you may be offline
"custom": {
"hiddenFields": ["farmId", "resourcePath", "securityConfig", "serverPort", "https"]
You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.
User | Count |
24 | |
10 | |
8 | |
8 | |
8 | |
6 | |
6 | |
6 | |
5 | |
5 |