When setting up a system landscape for the use of SAP Fiori or S/4 HANA lots of OData services have to be activated. For the mass activation of the OData services needed by the SAP Fiori applications the task list SAP_GATEWAY_ACTIVATE_ODATA_SERV is provided that can be started using transaction STC01.
The problem when using this task list so far was, that the repository objects that are created when activating an OData service in SAP Gateway are created as local objects only. Also the assignment of system alias entries was not recorded and it was hence not possible to transport these settings in a SAP Fiori system landscape.
Without the possibility to transport the settings customers had either to activate the services in the quality assurance and production system or they were forced to activate the services manually using transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE.
What's new?
With SAP Note
2630153 - Fiori Setup: Enhance OData service activation task list an updated version of the takslist SAP_GATEWAY_ACTIVATE_ODATA_SERV is available.
Overview page
When running the task list SAP_GATEWAY_ACTIVATE_ODATA_SERV you now see additional steps and input options.
1st step: Set transport options
In the first screen you can now specify the prefix for the repository objects being created which is defaulted with 'Z'.
The second input parameter is the development package which is defaulted with $TMP. Here you can choose a transportable package via an F4-help instead.
As a default new transport and customizing requests will be created but you can also choose existing requests.
Moreover it is possible to set the client settings and the settings for the automatic recording of changes such that changes will be recorded without the need to start transaction SCC4.
2nd step: Enter service list
As usual you can enter a list of services whose names can be copied from the SAP Fiori site.
In our demo we are using demo services where we have introduced a typo to show the behavior when errors occur.
3rd step: Choose processing mode and system alias
In this step it is possible to choose between the two different processing options that are available when using embedded deployment (co-deployed) or a hub-based deployment (routing based). If the latter is chosen you have to specify a system alias.
If co-deployment is selected the input field for the system alias deactivated.
4th step: confirmation
In the last step you have to confirm as usual which services shall be activated.
Run the task list
Running the task list provides you with several details. You especially see an error because one of the services we tried to activate is not available in the system.
In addition we can check the workbench and the customizing request that have been created by the task list and that now contain the repository objects that have been created as a result of the service activation and the customizing entries that have been created as a result of the assignment of a system alias.
Workbench request
Customizing request
To make the administration of SAP Fiori landscapes easier I have also developed a custom task list that allows to perform mass changes to activated OData services.
This custom task is described in the following blog
Custom tasklist for OData service mass maintenance.