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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

How time flies! It’s already December and thus time for another episode of UI5ers live! Like promised we’ll meet also in December on the second Thursday of the month, that is December 10, and invite everyone interested to discuss with us latest topics around UI5.

At the end of our last episode in November we encouraged a discussion with all attendees about potential topics and ideas to make UI5ers live still more interactive. It was really entertaining, and we were positive surprised about the lively exchange. Many thanks again to those who contributed, we now have a great pre-selected list of proposals and ideas not only for the upcoming but for several episodes!

Of course, we’ll try to cover some top ranked items already with the next episode. I, therefore, welcome the fact that hans-juergen.richstein and marita.kruempelmann, both Area Product Owner for SAP Fiori elements, will join us to tell about the latest achievements from their area. As you might have realized, SAP Fiori elements list report, object page and overview page support now not only OData versions V2 but with SAPUI5 1.84 also V4. You see: There is something to talk about!

Another topic ranked very high are best practices for UI5 apps especially about performance, logs, and the like. As this comprises a wide field, we’ll try to address some specific tips and tricks per episode coming either from our own ranks or also from experts from the UI5 app development. For next Thursday we had intended kristian.kraljic to be with us. He impressed our own architects showcasing how he improved the performance of SAP for Me by using proper bundling and optimizing the bootstrap flow. Unfortunately, Kristian is unable to attend next week but promised to make it possible the next time. This does not mean, however, that we will skip this item from our agenda, but stay curious with which tips we will come up.

As this will be the last episode for 2020, we also want to take some minutes to look back on the year and discuss, what we were able to achieve in these months, what might not go so well and why and what we plan for 2021. For sure we’d love to get the voices of our community and hear your ups and downs.

I hope you are now encouraged to get involved and will join us as well. Of course, the session will be record and published on our OpenUI5 YouTube channel afterwards. But for sure this is just half of the fun! Better block your calendar and be involved in the next episode of UI5ers live:

  • Date: December 10, 2020

  • Time: 15:15 – 16:00 CET

  • Location: Virtual (no registration, just join at the assigned time)


Now, also the date for January is set and, contrary to my last announcement, the series continues, and we remain loyal with the second Thursday of the month. Refreshed from Christmas vacation we’ll be back on January 14 for the first UI5ers live in 2021!

And there is another news: You can find now all passed and upcoming events also on our new SAPUI5 Event page. Of course we’ll continue to publish these information on the OpenUI5 community page!

Looking forward to meeting you all next week!

andreas.kunz, peter.muessig, stefan.beck, & margot.wollny
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