You´ve asked about updates and the latest innovation highlights on our SAP Business Technology Platform product roadmap? To satisfy your needs my intention in this blog post is to communicate our vision as well as key deliverables and innovations to our users. In this blog, I will provide you some of the highlights of our recent deliveries and from the SAP BTP product roadmaps. Enjoy my personal view of SAP BTP innovation highlights in Q2 2022. Please not that they do not reflect the full set of the upcoming innovations. Happy reading.
Innovation Highlights in Q2 2022:
Browse my personal 7 innovation highlights in Q2 2022:
- As of Q2 2022 the new SAP BTP Authentication and Destination support in SAP AppGyver helps to create a secure app to consume data from any SAP systems. The new innovation is now an easy way of just a few clicks. The feature can be used to control the availability of data sources (destinations) for citizen developers. If you want to learn more about SAP BTP Authentication and Destination support in SAP AppGyver, feel free to have a look at the blog post of marchuber03, the related video as well as the SAP Community Page.
- With the May release, SAP Integration Suite provides a feature to consume the integration adapter from SAP API Business Hub into the Integration Suite tenant. This new feature provides an easy consumption of OEM adapters directly in the Cloud Integration capability of SAP Integration Suite. The new Dropbox adapter, which was released in Q2 2022 as well, is an example. It provides built-in connectivity for the file-hosting service to transfer data from Dropbox Business and DBX Platform. Also visit the blog post of kamlesh.zanje and the SAP API Business Hub to get more information.
- Simplifying integration scenarios between SAP Master Data Integration and third-party applications is now possible with the SAP Master Data Integration adapter for SAP Integration Suite. Going beyond SAP with your master data and high developer workload to consolidate master data across heterogeneous landscapes is a challenge. Therefore, SAP Master Data Integration helps to establish an out-of-the-box integration of master data objects across SAP solutions. If you want to integrate third-party systems into SAP Master Data Integration, you will use the SAP Integration Suite, which provides an adapter that takes care of all the protocol-specific handling that integration developers would usually need to implement themselves. Have a look at the blog post by deepakgovardhanrao.deshpande and learn more on the SAP Innobytes video, the SAP Integration Suite community page and the SAP Discovery Center.
- Another recent innovation is the support of a custom identity provider for platform users in the whole SAP BTP environment. If you are on the so called “Feature Set B” of our cloud management tools, you have now the ability to control account and environment access via a custom identity provider as an alternative to the preconfigured SAP ID service with Universal ID.This helps you to increase security by activating your own user-management processes, improve compliance to internal and external company standards and improve your total cost of ownership via the integration into your corporate IAM processes. Examples are the enforcement of multi-factor authentication, full control over password policies and user lifecycle, the usage of technical users for automation. In the second half of 2022, we will also support upgrades of customer accounts with custom platform identity providers from feature set A to B. Feel free to have a look at the blog post created by juergen.adolf and the SAP Community page.
- Plenty of information needs to be gathered, verified, and typed into applications for a new business partner to create master data. This includes, for example, the legal company name, registered address and identification numbers. All of this can be used by business applications, where mistakes may lead to problems in business transactions or result in compliance issues. For such identifying information, reference data is available from registers of public authorities, open data sources, or commercial providers. It can be used to automate master data processes, leading to shorter processing times, less manual work, while increasing data quality at the same time. According to this, SAP Master Data Governance has been enhanced with the new Data Provider Integration capability which dramatically speeds up master data processing and increases the data quality. As a first step, SAP Master Data Governance, cloud edition 2205 offers the possibility to create business partner records from reference data provided by CDQ. This simplifies the consumption of CDQ services for the look-up of business partner reference data, and reduces the need to manually enter data, which is always an error-prone task. Feel free to have a look at the blog post of andreas.seifried and the SAP Community Page.
- SAP Data Warehouse Cloud and SAP Analytics Cloud are a perfect match. The new bi-directional data integration is the latest and greatest evidence. It comes with the possibility to load fact data and master data from SAP Data Warehouse Cloud to SAP Analytics Cloud. Similarly, you can seamlessly retract fact data, master data, and audit data from SAP Analytics Cloud models and use it in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. Most importantly, this enables you to use actual data from SAP Data Warehouse Cloud in your planning tables in SAP Analytics Cloud. Additionally, you can join plan and actual data from multiple sources in common views in SAP Data Warehouse Cloud that you can then use for live reporting or any other kind of downstream processing of your plan data. It simplifies all steering-relevant data which can be stored in one data warehouse as the single source of truth. The general availability of the public OData API for SAP Data Warehouse Cloud is planned for Q3 2022. Check out the blog post of maximilianpaul.gander for more information.
- As of Q2 Remote Conversion is offered by SAP to convert an SAP BW or SAP BW/4HANA system into SAP Data Warehouse Cloud. It enables customers to move whole data flows or transfer only selected data flows including data. Customers may now decide whether they want to build a clean system and leave old and unused objects behind. For SAP BW systems on releases from 7.30 to 7.50 (running on SAP HANA or Any-DB), a remote conversion can be performed. SAP BW/4HANA 2021 as a sender system in a Remote Conversion will be possible soon. Have a look on the SAP Community Page for Data Warehouse Cloud, the SAP Help Portal as well as the blog post of deniz.osoy for more information.
Check Out:
- Follow up with the Roadmap Explorer, which is updated on a regular basis to always stay on top of the latest innovations.
- Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to get all product news. We will publish the next blog post at the end of Q2/2022 summarizing the highlights of the next quarter.
- If you want to be up to date on the latest SAP BTP news and innovations check out the new monthly SAP Innobytes video series.
- Mark your calendar for the latest SAP events coming up.
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