Ok. Here you are. Seems that you are looking for information about SAP Data Hub. Maybe I can help you.
What is this about?
A long time ago I was quite eager to blog and write technical articles. Over the years this eagerness went astray. Today I like to revive it.
What can you expect?
Starting from today, I will regularly publish blog posts about SAP Data Hub. I will write these blog posts outside working hours and “for fun”. Hence, they will reflect my opinions, priorities and views... not necessarily my employer’s.
The blog posts will be (rather) technical. I will
not look at questions like:
- What is the business value of SAP Data Hub?
- How does SAP Data Hub relate to other products?
- What is new in the latest SAP Data Hub release?
Instead I will look at questions like:
- What does it mean that SAP Data Hub is containerized?
- What happens during the installation?
- What happens when you profile a file in Metadata Explorer?
I plan to keep the blogs posts free of marketing buzzwords. And I mean to explain only things which are, at the time of writing, explained either not at all or not sufficiently elsewhere (some explanations might flow into other sources of information, like
documentation, over time).
How will it continue?
I plan to publish a blog post about SAP Data Hub every couple of weeks (the first one is out already).
I will add each new post to the end of this page. I will look back in maybe six or nine months and decide whether to continue or not.
If there are topics related to SAP Data Hub you are interested in and like to read about, feel free to let me know (but please keep the aforementioned boundary conditions for the blog posts in mind).
Available blog posts