For a majority of the workforce, mobile data accessibility is not a “nice-to-have.” It's a necessity. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, since IDC reports that over the next five years about
75% of the workforce will be mobile workers, equating to around 105.4 million people.
This makes the return on investment (ROI) on mobile apps much easier to see:
- Time savings
- Informed decision making
- Real-time data accessibility (for answers to questions in seconds not days or weeks)
- The freeing-up of managers from the back office to the floor
- Enabling field sales to have meaningful discussions with clients
- More productive internal meetings
Decisions aren’t made off of gut feelings. Instead, they’re made off of readily available, easy-to-consume data. I see managers step out of the back office and become empowered to make better staffing decisions. Regional managers are able to have productive conversations with store managers, as both are prepared with the same information.
Empowered Employees – A Critical ROI
Mostly, I see a metamorphosis in mobile users. They begin as employees who e-mail spreadsheets internally because they can’t be opened on the go. Or perhaps they use mobile applications that aren’t available offline. Then with mobile data accessibility, their situation turns and they’re empowered employees who are making better business decisions. They know which client to meet with and what they need to discuss. They know which products are selling, where in the store they are selling, and which type of coverage is needed to run efficiently.
As a Customer Success Representative, I love seeing my customers running as productively as they’ve always wanted to. They know the importance of mobility, data availability, and the ROI they are giving their employees.
What ROI are you receiving from mobility? Or better yet, what are you missing out on by not having it?
Learn More
To learn more about mobile solutions, read the last blog in our mobile series,
Going Mobile with Your Data? Beware of the Desktop Replication Trap.