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This blog post is an ode to the humble trash can and its friend, the garbage truck. As governments race to make their cities smarter, we take a look at the minions (aka the trash cans) that are bringing this vision to life. They may speak in bits and bytes, but SAP Analytics Cloud understands, visualises and carries their message.


I live in Singapore and I love this city.

It’s a melting pot of cultures, cuisines, old world Victorian charm meets new age art deco. What never ceases to amaze me though, is the government’s efforts to improve living with technology. This is a Smart Nation and it shows. We have drones to find and fix dengue hotspots, we have an integrated nation-wide sensor network so everything from water meters to lamp posts are “connected”. We even have a “National AI strategy”.

It is therefore no surprise, that our humble trash can, is also on its way to revolutionising waste management with IOT and AI.

So how do we enable decision makers to make tactical changes in day to day operations and use the resources available to them wisely? We collect the data that these smart devices are beaming out and visualise it down to the smallest detail. How full are my bins, which ones need clearing up so I can optimise my garbage truck routes, are my bins about to topple over and become unusable – fret not, we have answers!

This dashboard should hopefully, not only help you understand data and analytics in this space, but also seed ideas on the possibilities with SAP Analytics Cloud, in terms of features and design options.


01 The Overview

This screen provides a high level summary of the waste collection – weight in kilo tonnes for waste collected so far & yet to be collected, an island wide average of how full the bins are right now, what is the average fulfillment of the active truck routes, how much is our carbon footprint from all activities pursued, how much waste are we able to segregate with automated systems, how much electricity was generated from the waste recycling units, how much waste was sequestered by the hour (in Singapore we actually incinerate our waste on a landfill on an island called Pulau Semakau off our coast. These incineration plants generate electricity but are also heavy carbon emitters), how much monthly revenue is estimated from reselling recycled waste, and a ticket log generated by the bins themselves (aka the System) or the users (who manage the system).

The bubble map is interactive, so drill into any part of Singapore to explore more. Understandably, the Central Business District will have more bins than its neighbours.

Page filters at the top allow filtering this page of the story by snapshot (today or tomorrow)…

.. or by Singapore’s 5 regions..

.. or by the Bin Type (Waste / Organic / Paper).

Tech Insight: While page filters allow analysis within a page, story filters can also be applied so analysis in a certain page can be carried forward to other pages of the story. Some of SAC’s peers in the market do not allow this flexibility.


02 Bin Overview

To understand more about how our smart bins are doing, head over to Bin Overview to see where our bins are located on the map (page filtered here for Paper bins only) – what is the average waste level, how many are out of order or rental, how much waste are they generating by the hour, and specifically zoom into tickets created by the bins.

To find out more about individual bins, click on the Bin Icon to get redirected to the Bin Management page.

Tech insight:

  • The bins on the map are using the point of interest feature, so any SVG image can be plugged in and colored as required.

  • A hyperlink added to the bin allows redirection on click to any of the other pages on the story


03 Bin Management

Zoom in to a single bin of interest and do a quick health check – where is it located on the map, what is the fill level (red to indicate it’s fill level is above acceptable threshold), what is it’s temperature, how much waste of the wrong type has been dumped in, among other things.

04 Waste Collection

Cue for our garbage trucks to step into the limelight! Take a look at where the trucks are right now as they go about their business, how much waste have they collected, how many routes are in use today, how many trucks are out of order, how many are third party, how much waste they collect by the hour, and ticket incidents related to the garbage trucks.

Tech insight: Garbage trucks also inserted to the map via the points of interest layer using SVG images.


05 Route Management

Lastly, track individual garbage trucks as they make their way through the city on their customized routes. In this view, we track Route ID 003 – bins collected so far, how many more to go, waste collected so far, what type of waste it’s collecting, who is driving (dummy names), where did they start from and where are they headed, information on collection history for this route (in table) and waste collected by the hour.

Zoom in to the map, if you wish, to see the route. The route is somewhat choppy due to available coordinates on the route – the more coordinates, the smoother the route appears on the map.

Tech insight: The point of interest layer allows selection from a predefined library of icons (like squares or location balloons) or uploading custom SVGs (like the garbage can icon).


And that’s a wrap!!


Blog credits

Dashboard conceptualisation & design - sai.prakash9

Learn more about SAC

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