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Goal : This blog explains to add the service plans, assign the roles and create the instance for Automation Pilot in the Business Technology Platform (BTP). This blog focusses on usage of Automation Pilot with respect to SAP HANA Cloud.

There are two approaches in order to add the service plan to your subaccount, the traditional approach of adding the service plans and the Boosters.

Note: Check the Service Availability of Automation Pilot and then proceed further.

Pre-requisites : Set Up an SAP BTP Account for Tutorials

1. Adding the service plan using the traditional approach in SAP BTP Cockpit.

Go to Entitlements on the left, and click on Configure Entitlements.

Configure Entitlements

Select the Add Service Plans, and search for automation pilot. Select the free version and add the service plan to your subaccount and Save the changes.

Add Service Plans

Go to Instances and Subscriptions, create an instance of Automation Pilot.

Adding the Subscription of Automation Pilot

Add the roles, AutomationPilot_Admin & AutomationPilot_Developer.

You can now access the Automation Pilot.

Automation Pilot


2. Assign the Service & Roles via Boosters

This approach is much easier than the traditional approach.

Go to your global account, Select Boosters and search for 'Set up an Account for Automation Pilot'.

Selecting Boosters from the Global Account

This will open a automated setup, that gives a brief overview about the Automation Pilot along with some additional resources. Click on Start.

Automated Setup for Automation Pilot

Based on the user Entitlements, one can create subaccount or select subaccount. For the demo purpose, we will go ahead and select the existing subaccount as shown in the below image.

Click on Next, Configure the subaccount by clicking on the dropdown and selecting the one where you want to have the automation pilot service.

In this step, the automated setup will choose 'standard' by default. Select the 'free' plan.

In the next step, you can add the users in administrators and developers.

Note : Please use space or semi colon to separate the users

Add users

Review all the details in the last step and complete the setup by clicking on the Finish.

Review and Finish Setup

You can view the progress of the setup as shown below.

Once the booster has been successful, the following dialog box appears where you can navigate to the subaccount & check the instance of the automation pilot, roles assigned for the same.

Once you are on the subaccount, you can click on the Instance and Subscriptions, and click on the automation pilot and that opens the application.


You can now access the Automated Pilot.

Automation Pilot


You can now use some of the built in commands and automate manual process to avoid operational effort.

In summary, you can go with either of the approaches to add the instance of the application, services on SAP BTP. Booster would be a guided approach to do so.

Quick Links: You can learn more on Automation Pilot & follow the below tutorial to get hands on with it.

Execute SQL Commands and Create Custom Notifications with SAP Automation Pilot and SAP Alert Notific...

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