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Dhrubajyoti Paul

Mohammed Ashraf

In continuation of our earlier blogs on SAML integration in SAP Business Intelligence Platform, here’s another blog on SAP NetWeaver IDP integration.

This blog describes implementing a single sign-on mechanism with SAML between SAP NetWeaver AS Java and SAP Business Intelligence Platform.

In summary, you need the following products to try out this scenario.

  • SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java (the identity provider in the scenario)

  • SAP Business Intelligence Platform 4.2 SP05 and above (the service provider in the scenario)

SAP NetWeaver Configuration

The steps below describe the creation and initial configuration of SAML identity provider.

Access and Login into Netweaver Portal using Admin

Goto Configuration and Management ---> Authentication and Single Sign On

Goto SAML 2.0 and click on Enable SAML 2.0 support

Change the operational mode to Identity Provider and enter an Identity Provider name.

Click on next

Generate key Pair – generate key a key pair for encryption and signature on behalf of identity provider.
Use the browse button

Select Keystorage Entry – Click on create

Enter the key details and click on next

Subject Properties – enter the required information and click on finish and ok

The generated key will be automatically selected in the signature keypair and encryption keypair

Click on next on local provider configuration and finish on Identity Provider settings

Now the identity provider is fully configured. We will export its certificate and metadata to be able to configure our service provider to trust this identity provider

Click on Download Metadata

Save the downloaded metadata and rename to idp-meta-downloaded.xml

We need to import the identity provider’s data on the service provider to establish trust.


SAP BI Configuration

Unlike other Web Application servers like WebSphere, NetWeaver, Tomcat does not come with inbuilt Service Provider, we have to implement our own Service Provider for Tomcat.

We will be using Spring SAML Security Assertion Service Provider for Tomcat.

Adding Tomcat Service Provider Jars

The Spring SAML Service Provider Jars are available inside <BOE Install  Dir> \SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\SAMLJARS,

Copy these jars to <BOE  Install  Dir>\tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\lib

Stop Tomcat, delete tomcat work directory from <BOE Install  Dir>\tomcat

Start Tomcat

Configure Tomcat for HTTPS SSL

  1. Create a certificate keystore by executing the following command
    keytool -genkey -alias <create_AliasName> -keyalg RSA -keystore <path_and_create_KeystoreFilename> -keysize 2048

  2. This command will prompt for the attributes, enter all the attributes for the certificate.

  3. Configuring your SSL Connector

Before Tomcat can accept secure connections, you need to configure an SSL Connector.

a. In a text editor, open the Tomcat server.xml file.

  1.  The server.xml file is usually located in the conf folder of your Tomcat’s home directory.

b. Locate the connector that you want to use the new keystore to secure.

  1.  Usually, a connector with port 443 or 8443 is used, as shown in step 4.

c. If necessary, uncomment the connector.

  1. To uncomment a connector, remove the comment tags (<!– and –>).

d. Specify the correct keystore filename and password in your connector configuration.

4. When you are done, your connector should look something like this:

  1. <Connector port=”8443″ maxHttpHeaderSize=”8192″ maxThreads=”150″ minSpareThreads=”25″   maxSpareThreads=”75″ enableLookups=”false” disableUploadTimeout=”true” acceptCount=”100″ scheme=”https” secure=”true” SSLEnabled=”true” clientAuth=”false” sslProtocol=”TLS” keyAlias=”server” keystoreFile=”/home/user_name/your_site_name.jks” keystorePass=”your_keystore_password” />


Enabling SAML for required Web Applications Properties

SAML authentication has to be enabled for the different web applications. This can be done by uncommenting the respective endpoint in securityContext.xml and also by editing saml.enabled in customproperties files of the respective applications.In this we will be enabling SAML for Old BI Launchpad BOE/BI

1. Changes in securityContext.xml file

  1. In the securityContext.xml under<BOE  Install  Dir>\tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF , there is a section for the SAML entry endpoints.By default, only the SAML entry endpoint for Classic BI Launchpad is enabled.

2. SAML Authentication can also be enabled for other applications Opendocument, Fiori Launchpad      by uncommenting <security:intercept line of that particular application.

3. Also in case SAML authentication has to be enabled only for one application ex : BI Launchpad        alone, the <security:intercept-url pattern=”/BI” access=”IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY”/> has to          been uncommented, comment the entry points for Opendocument, Fiori Launchpad.


Changes in

Create file in the <BOE  Install  Dir> \SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\config\custom assuming custom properties file does not exist. If it is already does, only need to add the property saml.enabled=true


Configurations in the deployment descriptor – web.xml

  1. Enabling SAML in the SP configuration

  2. Activate the SAML context configuration

  • Open the <BOE Install  Dir>\tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\web.xml file in a text editor.

  • Remove the lines (<!—and –>) that comment out the contents of the START SAML / END SAML comments wherever you find in the web.xml file. Below snapshots show the uncommented part



A new filter has been introduced for SAML, the relevant section in the web.xml will be kept commented by default.Enabling filters in web.xml of BOE webapps by uncommenting the SAML sections.Web.xml file path –  <BOE  Install  Dir>\tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\web.xml

Note: SAML authentication enablement is done the web application level, that is in BOE itself and not in individual webpath bundles.

Update IDP metadata in SP

The IDP metadata has to be downloaded from the respective IDP.Rename the file to idp-meta-downloaded.xml and copy the NW IDP idp-meta-downloaded.xml file to

<BOE  Install  Dir>\tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF

In Case if BOE is deployed on a Linux machine (non -windows)  the path separators in file path to the idp metadata under the bean FilesystemMetadataProvider should be changed in securityContext.xml under <BOE  Install  Dir>\tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF.

i.e  <value type=””>/WEB-INF/idp-meta-downloaded.xml</value> has to be changed to <value type=””>\WEB-INF\idp-meta-downloaded.xml</value> for Linux

For windows, it looks like

SAML keystore generation

SAML exchanges involve usage of cryptography for signing and encryption of data.

You can generate your own self-signed key using the Java utility keytool by following steps

Navigate to <BOE  Install  Dir>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\sapjvm\bin and run the following command to generate certificate.

keytool -genkeypair -alias <aliasname> -keypass <Password> -keystore <sampleKeystore.jks> -keyalg RSA -validity <numberofdays>

aliasname – certificate alias name, Password -password of your choice, numberofdays – number of the days during which the self-signed certificate is valid, sampletestKeystore.jks is name of the keystore file.

Example – keytool -genkeypair -alias Testkey -keypass Password1 -keystore sampletestKeystore.jks -keyalg RSA -validity 735

The generated keystore file has to be copied from bin folder  and  pasted under <BOE  Install  Dir>\tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF and the references of the new aliasname, Password, keyStore file name has to be changed in securityContext.xml file

The first argument (sampleKeystore.jks) points to the used key store file,
second line contains password (Password1) for the keystore which you enter in command prompt after entering the keystore generation command,
third line then maps with passwords for private keys with alias-password value pairs(Password1). Fourth line Alias of the default certificate is the last parameter.(Testkey).

Note: SP metadata has to be generated everytime this keystore file is changed.

After making all the above changes, Restart tomcat.

Generate and upload SP metadata

NOTE: A pre-generated service Provider (SP) metadata file  will be  shipped by default. User may edit this and upload the same. The IP/hostname should be one property that has to be changed.The file will be available under


<BOE Install Dir>\tomcat\webapps\biprws\WEB-INF  spring_saml_metadata.xml

Type the URL https://BOEHOST:8443/BOE/saml/metadata.

This will automatically download a xml file spring_saml_metadata.xml


Configuring Trust on Identity Provider Side

We need to import the service provider’s certificate and metadata to establish trust.

  1. Goto SAML 2.0

  2. Select Trusted Providers and select Add ---> Uploading Metadata File

  3. Select the Service Provider metadata file we exported in previous step

  4. Click on next, keep the rest of the settings with their default values and finish
    Now specify at least one Name ID format for the communication with the service provider

  5. Click on Identity Federation ---> AddNote – SAP BI login supports only using User ID and not E-mail
    So, select Format Name – Unspecified
    Source Name – Login ID

  6. Save the configuration and Enable service providerThe service provider is active now and ready for communication with it.

  1. Configure Trusted Authentication for Tomcat with Web session

    1. Add the file under <BOE Install  Dir>\tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\config\custom and make the below changes





2. Goto CMC –> Authentication –> Enterprise

3. Enable Trusted Auhentication

4. Set validity and download the shared secret key TrustedPrincipal.conf

5. Click Save, and save the TrustedPrincipal.conf file to the following directories:

  1. <INSTALLDIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win64_x64\

  2. <INSTALLDIR>\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\


Create the IDP user in BOE

The IDP user has to be created in BOE or imported through some SDK script or export using CSV option in CMC.The SAML based authentication relies on TrustedAuth from the web-server to the CMS. For this, the IDP users will have to be created in BOE as Enterprise users.

Import the bulk users into BIPlatform:

Locate the custom.jsp file inside the web folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\tomcat\webapps\BOE\WEB-INF\eclipse\plugins\webpath.InfoView\web\custom.jsp

Make the following changes to the custom.jsp file in the location mentioned above

<\!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN”  “”>

<%@ page language=”java” contentType=”text/html;charset=utf-8″ %>

<% //custom Java code

Restart Tomcat.


SAML is configured for BILaunchpad endpoint

Hit the URL https://BOEHOST:8443/BOE/BI
it redirects to IDP authentication, enter your users details

If the configuration is correct and mapping is successful and trusted authentication is configured correctly, you will be logged in into BOE/BI

This completes the configuration.

Users will be able to use SAML to login into SAP Business Intelligence.

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