At Sapphire Now 2017 in Orlando Florida, SAP announced the General Availability of the Cloud Foundry environment on the SAP Cloud Platform (CP)
More here. Cloud Foundry, being the de-facto standard in enterprise PaaS, will strengthen our strategy to build SAP Cloud Platform as THE Digital Enterprise Platform for our customers.
As an e-PaaS, SAP CP needs to provide a means to provision, maintain and operate enterprise-grade services efficiently, and with ease. Presenting
‘Service Fabrik’ (Fabrik = Factory in German), SAP’s own service churning factory on the SAP Cloud Platform. Service Fabrik is a
“Managed” service solution which helps to provision, maintain and operate Backing services
More here on the Cloud Foundry environment of SAP Cloud Platform. SAP also plans to open-source Service Fabrik and continue evolving it together with the community.
As of today, Service Fabrik on the SAP Cloud Platform has the capability to spawn, both single-node, Docker container-based services, and enterprise grade, multi-node service clusters. Application developers on the Cloud Foundry environment of SAP Cloud Platform, can choose to start their development of polyglot applications,
More here using single node service clusters, test them thoroughly and switch to the Enterprise-grade service clusters, as and when the application matures and is ready to get into production.
At the Cloud Foundry Summit (CF Summit) 2017 to be held in Santa Clara, California from June 13-15 2017, our team of experts from SAP will be presenting Service Fabrik and the value it brings to the SAP Cloud Platform. Visit us at the SAP booth between 13:10 – 13:30 on June 14
th 2017
More here to see a cool demo
‘From Dev to Prod via Service Fabrik for Enterprise Grade Services’. Also, don't miss the Service Fabrik talk -
'Service Fabrik: Manage enterprise-grade backing-services for an enterprise-grade Cloud Foundry' on June 15
th 2017 from 12:50 – 13:20.
Join us to see Service Fabrik in action and understand what it means to develop, deploy, manage and run enterprise grade services for enterprise grade Cloud Foundry apps using Service Fabrik from SAP.
Don’t forget to use promo code
CFSV17SAP20 to save 20% on the ticket cost for the event.
See you there!