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This blog would collect all questions from difference customers and partners. Hope it would be helpful for you to use Self-Billing Cockpit.



  • Q: Don't receive the welcome mail from SAP about business techincial platform.

There are two scenarios when you purchase the Self-Billing Cockpit

  1. You don't have the BTP before. SAP would mail you the BTP global account with user name and password. Self-Billing Cockpit would entitled automatcially to this BTP global account.

  2. You already had the BTP global account. SAP would not mail you the BTP with user again. Self-Billing Cockpit would entitled automatically to your exsiting BTP global account.

Logon the BTP to check any existing global account for you. If any problems, create one service request to provisioning team with component BC-NEO-CIS.


  • Q: Can't see the Self-Billing Cockpit tile in the subaccount service market place.

There are some possible reasons as below

  1. Self-Billing Cockpit license purchased issue. Contact your Account Executive to confirm if the licenses are purchased.To know who is the account executive, please refer to the below KBA -2626344 - Who is the SAP Account Manager for my company?

  2. Entitlement issue in customer BTP. It means the license correct, but SAP provisioning team don’t add Self-Billing in customer BTP. Create one service request to provisioning team with component BC-NEO-CIS.

  3. Entitlement missing in subaccount. Logon BTP global account-> Entitlements tab -> Entiy Assignments -> Select entities {your subaccount} -> Add service plans -> SAP Self-Billing Cockpit->Choose plan -> Save

In the SAP Self-Billing Cockpit landscape, two application plans are available for subscription: a default plan and a test plan. The default plan is used as your live environment for production, and the test plan allows you to set up your system in a test environment. Subscription to both requires two different subaccounts.


Custom Identity Provider

  • Q: How to setup the custom identity provider in Self-Billing Cockpit

You can refer the blog -

There are some hints as below

  1. The IAS application connect type shall be "Open ID".

  2. Now only support one active custom identity provider in subaccount.

  3. In case you active the custom IDP. You shall add the addtional parameter "
    ?login_hint=%7B%22origin%22%3A%22sap.custom%22%7D ​

    " in Self-Billing Cockpit API url.


Integration with S/4HANA Cloud and S/4HANA

  • Q:Commincation Scenario 0114 the connection test throws an error:Couldn't access service; Service Ping ERROR: Method Not Allowed (405)

405 means connection works. but the testing method not supported in Self-Billing Cockpit. Usually the testing method is "Get". But in this replication api, self-billing cockpit only support "POST" method.

Please ignore this error and continue the processing.

  • Q: Can't see the sales organizations in Self-Billing cockpit customizing app "Manage Tolerance"

Communication scenario 0087 configuration missing for Self-Billing cockpit. Scope item 1YB don't active.

Please find it here:

Error Handling

  • Q: Get this error message: Class II_SDBIL_ESR_BD_CRT_SBI_REQ_IN is not a proxy class

It looks to be that the error message observed by you is caused by unpackaged AIF content in your system. The AIF (Application Interface Framework) tool can monitor/reproduce the SOAP message received in On-Premise system, and this configuration of AIF shall be extracted manually in the system. For AIF content extraction you have to do the following actions:

1. Unpack the content for the SAP Application Interface Framework (AIF). You can do this under the following path "Cross-Application components > SAP Application Interface Framework > Interface Development > Content Delivery > Deploy Content Transport" (transaction /AIF/CONTENT_EXTRACT). Use the deployment scenario ID SAP_COM_0564.

2. Assign the following recipient to the users with the help of following path "Cross-Application components > SAP Application Interface Framework > Administration > Configuration > Recipients of a user" (transaction /AIF/RECIPIENTS). Please use Namespace:  /SDBIL  and   Recipient for Alert:  BD_SB_R_IN.

3. For message monitoring, use transaction for Monitoring and Error Handling /AIF/ERR which is also available under the following path "Cross-Application components > SAP Application Interface Framework > Monitoring and Error Handling".

More information is available under the following link: . Please read the information there very in detail, it contains a lot of very helpful and important points.

  • Q: Dump while replication plant

In case there are multiple plants with the same key, there would be one dump while replication plant to SBC.

There is one SAP note released to fix this issue.

3088045 - Dump while replication of plant - SAP for Me

To walkaround this dump temporary, you can excule those plants with the duplicated key in the configuration.


Blog Post Series for SAP Self-Billing Cockpit