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Product and Topic Expert

In the two months since SAPPHIRE NOW, we have had many conversations with customers, either individually or in user group meetings, or hands-on SAP Screen Personas training. Several topics seem to come up very often around SAP Screen Personas, SAP Fiori, and SAP S/4HANA, especially how these solutions fit together and the future of SAP Screen Personas in this context. Specifically, several customers we met with already had SAP S/4HANA and wanted to know where SAP Screen Personas fits. Others are planning for SAP S/4HANA and want to avoid starting any UX-related projects that will be throwaway within a few years.


In this blog, I will:

  • Discuss how SAP Screen Personas fits with S/4HANA

  • Explain how SAP Screen Personas makes it easy to deliver Fiori UX to your users, whether you are running ECC 6.0 on NetWeaver 7.00, SAP S/4HANA, or anything in between

  • Share the latest SAP Screen Personas roadmap


How SAP Screen Personas fits with S/4HANA

I and several colleagues participated in a few meetings with customers that had purchased SAP S/4HANA with the expectation that all screens have the Fiori user experience. While the Fiori UX is ultimate goal for SAP S/4HANA, as our chief design officer explains, we are on a journey to get there and have not yet reached our destination. The good news is that SAP provides a powerful tool for customers that want to achieve the Fiori UX now. SAP Screen Personas allows you to transform classic screens in SAP S/4HANA into Fiori-inspired designs:

  1. In areas where Fiori coverage does not yet exist

  2. For custom transactions for which you want to keep your business logic and not redevelop a new UI5 application.

The outcome of these meetings was that customers realized that SAP Screen Personas will become an essential part of their S/4HANA landscape. The combination of SAP Fiori apps and SAP Screen Personas will deliver the desired simple and delightful....


SAP Screen Personas makes it easy to deliver Fiori UX to your users

During ASUG meetings, SAP Screen Personas practitioner forum calls, and other customer-facing events, while we see strong interest in S/4HANA, the number of customers that are live or far along their path to S/4HANA is relatively small. So, what do these customers do if they want the Fiori experience now, with minimal disruption to their current IT environment?


SAP Screen Personas provides several ways to deliver the Fiori UX on existing ECC 6.0 or Business Suite on SAP HANA systems.


Latest SAP Screen Personas roadmap

With all our customer contact, we receive a steady stream of great ideas to enhance the product. Thank you to everyone that has provided us suggestions for updates.


Here is the latest roadmap slide (available as part of the UI technologies roadmap document on SCN) that shows what we are working on. What else you would like to see in future versions of SAP Screen Personas?



Now that you have this information, what should you do? Here are a few ideas:


Disclaimer: In this blog, I have made forward looking statements and predictions of when SAP will bring certain products or services to market. This represents our current state of planning. These plans might change for a variety of reasons. So, none of the content in this blog reflects a commitment from SAP to provide specific functionality or deliverables on any set schedule.


For the SAP Screen Personas product team, peter.spielvogel.