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Product and Topic Expert
If you are looking for a trial to make yourself familiar with the latest capabilities and features of SAP Process Orchestration, check out the new SAP Process Orchestration solution running on the SAP Cloud Appliance Library (CAL).

CAL provides pre-configured and ready-to-use SAP solutions that can run in your own public cloud accounts from Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform. For product information and an access to all solutions, see this link.

What has been changed compared to the previous solution that we have shipped in March 2020?

  • SAP Process Orchestration has been updated from 7.5 SP16 to 7.5 SP20 which we have just recently released.

  • The SAP Process Integration business-to-business add-on has been updated to release 2.0 SP01.

  • The SAP Process Integration secure connectivity add-on 1.0 has been added providing SFTP and PGP functionality.

  • The SAP Process Integration connectivity add-on has been added to the solution providing OData and SuccessFactors connectivity. The new release 2.0 of the add-on has been actually shipped end of last year, see this blog.

  • Additional demo scenarios have been added for the cloud integration runtime, the test tool, and the OData adapter.

  • Instead of the HANA DB we use ASE which helps to reduce the costs for running the solution on CAL.

In a nutshell, what's in?

The solution comprises the following products:

  • SAP Process Orchestration 7.5 SP20

  • SAP Process Integration business-to-business add-on 2.0 SP01

  • SAP Process Integration secure connectivity add-on 1.0

  • SAP Process Integration connectivity add-on 2.0

The following sample/demo scenarios are provided:

  • A B2B scenario exchanging EDI messages using b2b add-on capabilities such as the Trading Partner Management, B2B content editor, EDI splitting and conversion, Number Range Objects, technical and functional acknowledgements, connectivity (e.g., AS2 adapter), a dedicated b2b monitor, etc.

  • A couple of integration scenario tests to be able to run automated regression tests using the Process Integration test tool, i.e., create a new test case and test suite, read messages, replay messages, verify test runs, create xpath exemptions, maintain preprocessing rules, schedule test suite runs and display the results in the new SAP UI5 user interface, etc.

  • A service composition scenario on the co-deployed cloud integration runtime which allows you to leverage the flexible modeling environment of SAP Cloud Integration on SAP Process Orchestration.

  • All Enterprise Integration Patterns that we have shipped as part of the integration flow and patterns guidelines have been already deployed on the cloud integration runtime of the solution along with a Postman collection that allows you to run and test the patterns on SAP Process Orchestration.

  • A sample scenario using the OData adapter that comes with the connectivity add-on.

How to get started?

The provided solution runs on either platform provider Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform, so you can select the hyperscaler of your choice.

Once you have created an own instance from the solution, have activated it and connected to it, you find a shortcut on the desktop that opens a welcome page. On the welcome page, you find the system information and logon details as well as links pointing to the exercise scripts.

Note, for some of the provided sample scenarios you need internet access because here we call services running on the sandbox of SAP API Business Hub. So, you need to setup your network of your cloud account accordingly.

Furthermore, for the prepared cloud integration runtime sample scenarios you do not need an own SAP Cloud Integration tenant. If you however like to model and run your own content, you can try out SAP Cloud Integration trial on Cloud Foundry, see this blog.

Besides the provided exercises, for sure, you can also use the system to setup your own integration scenarios or to enhance the existing scenarios.