The e-mail notifications and all attached files sent by SAP Identity Management are more secure than ever! As of
SAP Note 3108059 for SAP Identity Management 8.0 SP08, you can take advantage of the enhanced notification solution.
The enhancement is an answer to your demands submitted in the SAP Customer Connection program. So, let’s move on and learn more about these improvements!
The enhanced SAP Identity Management notification solution has the following specifics:
- It uses now JavaMail API - a well and broad tested library.
- Authentication capabilities to SMTP server are already supported.
- Introduced new secure options to connect to SMTP server like SMTPS and STARTTLS.
- Support of encrypted e-mails between SAP Identity Management and STMP server.
- Ability to send multiple attachments via one e-mail.
Two new u-functions are supplemented to SAP Identity Management:
The function provides the same functionality as the existing function uSendSMTPMessage, which is obsolete. It sends an e-mail without authentication to mail server. In addition, it supports sending an e-mail with multiple attachments. For more information, see
This function provides authentication capabilities to SMTP server. It supports sending an e-mail with multiple attachments and sending encrypted e-mails by providing different options to connect to SMTP server (SMTP, SMTPS, STARTTLS). For more information, see
After applying the aforementioned SAP Note, the package will be changed to use the new uSendMail and uSendMailAuth functions instead of old one uSendSMTPMessage. New package constants for specifying username, password, and different configuration options to connect to the SMTP server are added to the package. For more information, see
Notification Package.
Now, it is your turn to explore the new options for connection to SMTP server and send notifications and attachments in a more secure way!
Any question or feedback will be appreciated!