Note : Large instances
122 GB and
244 GB memory are released and available on aws marketplace. The costs structure and available regions differ as compared to 60GB HANA One.
Main features of 122 GB and 244 GB (Please refer to
AWS | Amazon EC2 | Instance Types for details)
- High Frequency Intel Xeon E5-2670 v2 (Ivy Bridge) Processors
- Lowest price point per GiB of RAM
- SSD Storage
- Support for Enhanced Networking
- 1. What is SAP HANA One?
SAP HANA One is a single HANA instance hosted on Amazon Web Services. Customers and Partners can use SAP HANA One to provision a secured instance of SAP HANA database. This instance can be used to build and deploy on-demand applications that leverage SAP HANA's in-memory computing capabilities. The Applications can be consumed for productive use by end users.
- 2. What is SAP HANA One Portal?
SAP HANA One Portal is an internal component of SAP HANA One Product and it
is a combination of HANA One instance and web based management console to manage and perform administrative tasks on a single or set of HANA instances. It is used for administrating the other HANA instances and itself has HANA running on it. SAP HANA One Portal is available for the customers with the following deployment options.
- Management Console and HANA can reside in a single AWS instance.
- Management Console and HANA can reside in two different AWS instances.
- 3. Is the current version of SPS9-SPS11 Multi-tenant ?
As of now we only support single-tenant SPS9-SPS11 HANA instance.
- 4. What are the other features of SAP HANA One? SAP HANA One provides the following features.
- Single management console to manage and perform administrative tasks on a set of HANA instances.
- Managing and Un-managing the set of HANA One instances.
- Intuitive feature for provisioning new HANA One instances.
- System Alerts for important notifications and messages.
Chat Messaging feature for the customers to interact with HANA One team for any additional support.
5. Why is SAP HANA One Portal Component needed?
The existing HANA One provides instance-based console. If a customer has more than one HANA One instance, they have to use separate console for each of their instances for any administration activity. SAP HANA One Portal Component which is now part of the SAP HANA One will the customers to securely manage HANA One infrastructure with the ability to manage multiple instances using a single console.
6. Do the customers have to purchase SAP HANA One Portal License?
Portal is merely an administration console and is part of SAP HANA One. It doesn’t have any license associated with it. However, SAP HANA One is configured for a 1-year renewable license.
7. Is SAP HANA One appropriate for my needs?
SAP HANA One enables real-time analytics and in-memory computing. It is appropriate for:
- Enterprise of all sizes can use to build and deploy SAP HANA-based solutions for production use.
- Startups looking to use SAP HANA for production
- ISVs looking to build and deliver applications on SAP HANA
- Those who require high performance and do not need more than ~ 30 GB capacities for data
- Those who require large sizes can choose 122 GB or 244 GB instances.
- Those looking for subscription model pricing
- Those building solutions that are also hosted in AWS
- 8. What is the duration of the SAP HANA One license?
SAP HANA One is configured for a 1-year renewable license from the date it is available in AWS Marketplace.
- 9. Does SAP offer short-term licenses?
There are no long-term obligations involved; the subscription is hourly.
- 10. How am I paying for my SAP HANA One instances?
All charges are billed by Amazon Web Services, paid by credit card, and the use of the service is governed by Amazon Web Services. Customers pay a single hourly rate for the SAP HANA One Portal and SAP HANA One instances.
- 11. Can I take my SAP HANA One solution from the AWS cloud to on-premise or another cloud later?
The license associated with the hourly SAP HANA usage is limited to AWS only. You can contact SAP Service to transition the cloud scenario to HANA on premise.
- 12. Can I download my SAP HANA One instance to run on my own environment?
- No. SAP HANA One instances can only be run on Amazon Web Services. No downloads are permitted, with the exception of SAP HANA Studio and Client components.
- 13. Can I apply my on-premise SAP HANA software license for SAP HANA One on AWS?
Not at this time.
- 14. If I start with SAP HANA One instances and then purchase on-premise software, do I get a credit?
- No. There are no credits for switching between deployment models.
- 15. How does this compare to the SAP HANA Developer Sandbox offered in the SAP HANA Developer Center on SCN?
The SAP HANA One license and instance type enables production use, whereas the developer license does not.
- 16. How does SAP HANA One Platform compare to SAP HANA on-premise?
SAP HANA One allows fast deployment, operational flexibility and faster time-to-market to develop and deploy for use-cases that can be satisfied by 60.5GB/122 GB / 244 GB memory. SAP HANA on-premise is recommended for use cases that deal with larger data sets ( > 244 GB).
- 17. Are there other SAP products available in AWS Marketplace?
SAP Business Objects and SAP Afaria cloud edition are available on AWS Marketplace.
18. What is the default ssh user?
If you are HANA One Rev 80.0 or later, please use user ‘
ec2-user’ to ssh to the HANA One instance.
If you are HANA One Rev 70.0 or earlier, please use user ‘
root’ to ssh to the HANA One instance.
- 19. If I login as ‘ec2-user’, how do I execute commands that need ‘root’ privileges?
After login in via ssh into the instance as ‘ec2-user’, you may execute commands that require ‘root’ privileges by using the ‘sudo’ command.
Total Cost and Cost Control
- 1. How much does SAP HANA One Portal cost?
Please visit
AWS Pricing to get latest region specific detailed pricing either for
cc2.8xlarge, c3.8xlarge, c4.8xlarge (for 60 GB)
r3.4xlarge (122 GB)
r3.8xlarge (244GB)
NEW! 122 GB instances - SAP HANA One instance is offered at $1.99 per hour + AWS infrastructure costs.
Instance Type |
North Virginia |
Oregon |
North California |
Ireland |
Singapore |
Tokyo |
Sydney |
Frankfurt |
Sao Paulo |
r3.4xlarge |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
NEW! 244 GB instance - SAP HANA One instance is offered at $3.99 per hour + AWS infrastructure costs.
Instance Type |
North Virginia |
Oregon |
North California |
Ireland |
Singapore |
Tokyo |
Sydney |
Frankfurt |
Sao Paulo |
r3.4xlarge |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
60 GB instance - SAP HANA One instance is offered at $0.99 per hour + AWS infrastructure costs.
Instance Type |
North Virginia |
Oregon |
North California |
Ireland |
Singapore |
Tokyo |
Sydney |
Frankfurt |
Sao Paulo |
Cc2.8xlarge |
Yes |
Yes |
N/A |
Yes |
N/A |
Yes |
N/A |
No |
No |
C3.8xlarge |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
C4.8xlarge |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
AWS infrastructure costs are additional. Your total cost of using SAP HANA One will vary on your workload.
Let us look at typical examples of always-on SAP HANA One (
60 GB) for 30 days where Portal and HANA reside in the same AWS instance. Sample Pricing Calculation for launching Cc2.8xlarge instances from EC2: Cost of EC2 instance, storage, and data-transfer:
$1701.89 per month
For detailed calculation of service subtotals, one can refer to the following link.
- 2. How can I control cost?
You are responsible for operating your AWS account and paying for the hosting costs. A great way to minimize costs is to stop your instance when you are not using it. Starting your instance just takes a few minutes, so you can fire it up when you need it. To stop your instance, go to AWS EC2 console, right click the instance and choose "Stop" from the context menu. To start it again, choose "Start" from the same context menu.
Please note that even after stopping the EC2 instance, there are a few items that can still incur costs, such as EBS volumes. If you wish to stop using your HANA One instance, and do not want to pay related monthly bills, you will need to terminate your instance. To terminate your instance, choose "Terminate" from your context menu. Once the instance is terminated, by default, only the root volume is deleted; other EBS volumes attached to the instance are not deleted automatically. If you wish to terminate your instance and no longer need your data, you may delete detached EBS volumes using AWS EC2 Console or AWS APIs to avoid storage charges for unused EBS volumes.AWS also provides tools to monitor your usage, so there are no surprises when you get your monthly bill - from your "My Account / Console" menu on the top right corner of the screen on, choose "Account Activity" and you will see your activity for the current month.
3. How can I set billing alerts?
Billing alerts enable you to monitor your AWS usage charges and recurring fees automatically, making it easier to track and manage your spending on AWS. You can set up billing alerts to receive e-mail notifications when your charges reach a specified threshold. First 10 alerts are free. Please check AWS website for the latest services.Please visit to setup billing alerts.
Getting Started and Deployment Considerations
- 1. What is the maximum database size for SAP HANA One?
There are few flavors of compute optimized instance available from SPS7 onwards -
- cc2.8xlarge (Previous generation) 60.5 GB memory.
- c3.8xlarge (Current generation) 60 GB memory. This type provides 32 performing processors.
- c4.8xlarge (Current generation) 60 GB memory. This type provides 36 performing processors
HANA One 122GB
- r3.4xlarge This type provides 16 performing processors
HANA One 244GB
- 2. What do I do if I outgrow the maximum database size?
If you are currently using 60 GB instances you can migrate to 122 GB or 244 GB based on your requirement. If you need still larger instances than 244 GB, consider using SAP HANA on-premise for database requirements that exceeds AWS’s current offering.
- 3. Can I use AWS clustering functionality?
This is not currently supported for SAP HANA One.
- 4. How do I load data to my SAP HANA One instance?
You can load data to your SAP HANA One instance by importing CSV files.
- 5. What is the performance on SAP HANA One as compared to SAP HANA on-premise?
For a similar number and type of CPU cores, memory and I/O configuration, SAP HANA One is comparable to SAP HANA on-premise. Your actual performance will vary based on the nature of workload.
- 6. If SAP or another source system is connecting from onsite to SAP HANA One, what is the network bandwidth?
Network bandwidth in this case is dependent on the bandwidth available at the onsite location.
- 7. What happens if there’s a hardware failure? Who is responsible, SAP or Amazon? What should a customer do?
If your SAP HANA One instance fails, you can start up again using the AWS Console or through an API call. All storage volumes associated with your instance are automatically attached to your new instance.
Security & Backup
- 1. How do I recover lost data?
SAP HANA One is configured to back up data and log to a separate EBS volume from which data can then be recovered. Log backup is performed periodically as needed. We recommend performing data backup periodically. Additionally, backup should be done before any system upgrade to protect data and HANA artifacts.
- 2. What happens to my data when I shut down the SAP HANA One instance?
The SAP HANA One instances are backed up by persistent data stores and volumes and will remain attached until the user terminates the instance. Once the instance is terminated, by default, only the root volume is deleted. The data, log, and backup volumes are not deleted automatically. Those volumes can be attached to other instances if required. If the instance is not needed anymore, make sure to delete all the EBS volumes to avoid storage charges for unused EBS volumes.
- 3. How secure is the Amazon EC2 environment to run my SAP HANA Database?
AWS provides industry-standard security, and instances can be configured according to your specific needs. Please refer to AWS security features at
http:// More advanced features like Virtual Private Cloud can provide more fine-grained control over security.
- 4. Can a SAP HANA One backup be restored into an on-premise instance of SAP HANA?
Yes, as long as SAP HANA One and SAP HANA on-premise licenses are valid, and the SAP HANA versions match, backup data can be transferred. Please follow your license agreements carefully before you transfer any data between SAP HANA One and SAP HANA on-premise.
- 5. Do I need to install Secure Backup media and administrative servers in order to do Cloud backup?
Special backup media is not required. The SAP HANA One instances are pre-configured with 200GB for 60GB instance (400 GB for 122 GB instance and 800GB for 244GB instance) of
EBS volumes for data backups. We also provide option to backup on S3 as well. For added data security, snapshots of these volumes can be created on AWS.
- 6. If I would like to have additional backup is this possible other than the local EBS Volume?
Yes, In our new release we now have the option to backup in a S3 bucket. Simply select this option when taking a backup from the respective Console page of the HANA instance.