SAP HANA 2.0 XS Advanced Installation – by the SAP...
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SAP HANA Academy - SAP HANA Installation and Update (YouTube Playlist)
Tutorial Video
In this tutorial video, we cover where to download the latest version of both the SAP HANA XS Advanced runtime and the different XS Advanced components; how to perform an installation of the runtime together with SAP HANA database server; and how to perform an update of a server installation to add the XSA runtime component using the SAP HANA database lifecycle management tool (hdblcm) in graphical, web, and command-line mode; how to perform an unattended installation of the XSA runtime with hdblcm in batch mode and the use of a response file.
SAP HANA Academy - XS Advanced
SAP HANA XS Advanced Model
Whereas installing the SAP HANA (database) server maybe takes 15 minutes on a bad day, installing the SAP HANA XSA runtime will take a good 90 minutes. To understand why this is the case, it is good to have a basic understanding of the XSA architecture.
Unlike the xsengine process of XS classic, the XS Advanced runtime is not built-in/embedded into the SAP HANA database server and needs to be installed separately.
The XSA runtime comprises four operating system processes:
The runtime has its own role (xs_worker) and can be included with the SAP HANA server on a single-host installation, on a distributed system for load balancing, and on a dedicated host in a multi-host environment, including as a standby system (xs_standby role) for high availability configurations:
The images below are from the Developer and Administration/Security guides (same paragraph) and illustrate the functionality which the different services provide.
Technical System Landscape of XS Advanced Application Server
Software Downloads
You can download the latest version of the XS Advanced runtime and the XSA components from the SAP ONE Support Portal. This works exactly the same as for the other SAP HANA components.
The table below lists the XSA components for SAP HANA Platform Edition 2.0
SAP Software Downloads - Support Packages and Patches
The XSA runtime and XSA components are included in the SAP HANA 2.0 platform edition installation media.
Most components are included in the XSA_CONTENT_10 directory but not the SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA, the migration toolkit, and the Database Explorer (Runtime Tools: HRTT).
The XS clients for Windows, Linux and macOS are provided as compressed zip files in the XSA_CLIENT_10 directory. The installation steps are documented in
The XSA runtime directory contains the SAP HANA lifecycle management tools hdbsetup (graphical), hdbinst, hdbsetup and hdbuninst but these utilities should not be executed directly. On the SAP HANA server, always install components using the SAP HANA Database Lifecycle Manager (hdblcm).
SAP HANA 2.0 platform edition - 51052325 extracted
SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime Installation
To install the XSA runtime and the different XSA components, you can choose to run the SAP HANA Lifecycle Management tool in graphical (Windows), web or command-line mode.
Start the installation from the Install or Update Additional Components tool.
The first step is to indicate to the tool where the installation media is located using the Add Software Locations button.
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - 1. Add Software Locations
Next, select the SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime component for installation.
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - 2. Select Components
In step 3, you can add additional hosts in case you want to create a distributed system and define the host role for the XSA runtime (xs-worker or xs_standby). You will be prompted if you want to assign the XS runtime roles to the hosts with database roles (see above, section XSA system concepts).
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - 3. Additional Hosts Properties
In step 4, you need to provide the passwords for the operating system administration account <sid>adm and for the system and tenant database SYSTEM accounts. This is not XSA specific but related to the SAP HANA server.
In step 10 (steps 6, 7, 8, and 9 are for Streaming, Dynamic Tiering, Accelerator and Remote Data Sync - when selected), we get to the screen where we can define the XS Advanced Runtime parameters.
For more information about each of the parameters, see
For more information about the organization and customer space name (and the impact of running applications in customer spaces with separate operating system users), see
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - 10. Configure XS Advanced Runtime
When the checkbox 'Run Applications in Customer Space with Separate OS User' is selected, you are prompted to set the operating system user ID for the SAP and customer space users (Linux). In a distributed (multi-host) environment, these need to be the same.
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - 11. Configure XS Advanced Space OS User Properties
In the last step, step 13, you can select the XSA components that you want install together with the runtime. Note that not all components are selected by default.
You can run the SAP HANA Lifecycle Management tool again to install (or update) additional XSA components at a later stage. Alternatively, you can use the XS client command 'xs install' to add components:
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - 12. Choose XS Advanced Components to be Installed
The last screen lists all selections made for review and confirmation.
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - 14. Review and Confirm
Install using Windows
To run the SAP HANA Lifecycle Management tool in graphical mode, just run the hdblcmgui command from the installation media from the Lifecycle Management directory (HDB_LCM_LINUX_X86_64). To run the tool in graphical mode, an X-Windows environment needs have been installed and configured. This might be a bit of an issue as typically the SAP HANA server will have a minimal installation without X-Windows environment.
Running HDB_LCM_LINUX_X86_64/hdblcmgui
In the print screens below, you can see that the dialogs in the version are exactly the same as for the web version. The same is true for the command-line.
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management (hdblcmgui) - Detected Software Components
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management (hdblcmgui) - Add Hosts
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management (hdblcmgui) - XS Advanced Runtime Properties
Unattended Installation with Response File
To automate SAP HANA XS Advanced runtime installations (or XSA component updates), you can run the SAP HANA Lifecycle Management tool in batch mode with a response file.
Installation automation is the topic of another blog in this series, so I will just highlight the required steps here.
First, create a template file with the hdblcm parameter '--dump_configfile_template=<filename>'
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management (hdblcm) - Create Config File
Next, you need to edit the template file to provide the required parameters. You use the online help from hdblcm for the specific syntax of the parameters. Alternatively, of course, you can also look them up in the documentation:
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management (hdblcm) - configfile
Once the response file (template file) and password file have been prepared, we can run the hdblcm command in unattended mode (--batch or -b) specifying the action, the template file and to read the password file from STDIN.
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management (hdblcm) - hdblcm in batch mode
Installing SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime...
The installer first extracts (unzip) the different components and proceeds to stop the SAP HANA system after which the runtime will be installed (Installing package...) and the system started again. This is the system downtime phase and takes about a minute.
Next, we can see that the SAP HANA XS runtime processes are started: hdbxscontroller, hdbxsexecagent, and hdbxsuaaserver.
Installing SAP HANA XS Advanced Runtime...
With the runtime processes started, initial content is loaded and the spaces are created.
Loading initial content
Next, the different services and applications are created that support the infrastructure. This phase ends with the API (URL) of XS Controler, with default HTTPS port 3<instance_number>30 (for port-based routing). This is the API endpoint to use with the XS client.
XS Controller API End Point
In the next phase, the XSA components (Cockpit, SAP UI5, etc.) are installed. Depending on the number of components selected, this will take some time.
The installer exits with an URL for feedback and the location of the log files, should any issue have occurred.
SAP HANA Database components updated
Once the runtime is up and running and the XSA components installed, we can connect to the controller with the XS client.
In the print screen below, the XS client included with the SAP HANA XS runtime installation is used. You can also install the XS client on a Microsoft Windows, Linux, or Apple macOS computer. This topic will be discussed in a subsequent blog in this series.
To connect, you will need to provide the API_URL, which refers to the XS Controller API, together with the administration user you created during the installation in step 10 Configure XS Advanced Runtime.
xs login
With the 'xs apps' command, we can then list the apps running in space "SAP", their status, and urls.
xs apps
You can use the URLs to access the different XSA applications in a browser. Below the xsa-admin application, the web interface for XS Advanced Administration.
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