SAPUI5 1.84 we are making the libraries for the
SAP Fiori elements floorplans for OData V4 generally available for all customers and partners. SAP Fiori elements floorplans are
OData version agnostic, which means that the look & feel of e.g. an SAP Fiori elements list report for OData V4 will be exactly the same as that of an SAP Fiori elements list report for OData V2. And, of course, the same applies to all other supported page types.
OData V4 has been
standardized by OASIS and approved as an
ISO/IEC International Standard. This is one of several reasons why it is the protocol of choice for enterprise applications for many of our customers. It also comes with a number of benefits compared to version 2, for example reduced metadata size through service partitioning and compact JSON format or built-in analytics features. Additional information on OData, why it is important for SAP and in particular for SAP Fiori elements is outlined in our initial
announcement about the OData V4 beta program.
This initial version, which we have released with SAPUI5 1.84, includes the most popular floorplans –
list report/object page – as well as initial support for the existing
overview page, allowing to display content coming from both OData V2 and/or V4 services. It also introduces the Flexible Programming Model, which enables increased lifecycle stability, UX consistency and development efficiency for extensions. These extensions allow you to use SAPUI5 freestyle code – as custom pages, sections, actions, fields, columns and filter fields – within SAP Fiori elements apps. Find out about the supported features using our
feature map. And of course,
SAP Fiori tools will give you the same great developer experience that you are already used to from the OData V2 stack also for creating OData V4 based apps.

There are already several SAP Fiori apps for S/4HANA that leverage the OData V4 stack. This includes for example the Sales Order Request, Manage Settlement Documents or Create Sales Order. And the Create Sales Order app already leverages some of the advantages from the OData V4 stack, for example the fast line creation feature.
We also successfully ran a guided beta program with who have used the new functionality to build their own apps using the SAP Fiori elements floorplans for OData V4. The feedback was very positive and clearly told us that the functionality is ready to be released!
So you can now get access to the SAP Fiori elements libraries for OData V4 through
SAPUI5 1.84.
Learn more
Watch our video summarizing what’s new in SAP Fiori elements floorplans for OData V4.
You can create your own SAP Fiori elements list report / object page based on an OData V4 service built on SAP Cloud Application Programming model in this
Furthermore we are also offering a
hands-on session at TechEd. If the session is full, no worries, we plan to make the material available after SAP TechEd so you can try the exercises on your own.
We plan to deliver additional functionality for the SAP Fiori elements floorplans for OData V4 in a phased approach, focusing on:
- Analytical list pages with sequentially increasing analytics capabilities, also leveraging OData V4 advantages such as $apply for aggregation
- Flexible Programming Model: SAP Fiori elements building blocks that can be used in extensions to SAP Fiori elements apps.
These building blocks will essentially be ‘wrappers’ around UI5 Controls, binding them to an OData entity leveraging annotations. They shall also support the UI functionalities provided out of the box by SAP Fiori elements, for example navigation or editability with draft handling.
- Leveraging more and more OData V4 specific capabilities. For example: filtering across 1:n association or deep expands
Check the
SAP Fiori roadmap section ‘SAP Fiori elements and SAP Fiori tools’ for more details.
Kindly note that this is the current state of planning and can be changed by SAP at any time without further notice.