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TechEd presents us with the ultimate challenge: challenge of transformation, move through business services to the cloud to move beyond the privately managed clouds towards unity. 

It does not advocate technologies nor does to use only sap tools. Rather suggest developers can bring in any technology and tools to create enterprise applications with cloud qualities.

Micro Services:

It brings us to great deal of discussion where do we start, I would start with resilient micro services, it took some time for me to figure out what does the word mean as very few understand it. 

So micro service is not separate thing from what we are doing today as UI, Service or database , but micro service is concerned with one’s behavior, relationship with other. Not only with ones only family but with the world. Micro service is a form understanding one’s relation with world of services. Some of the examples would be UI component, messaging, persistence service etc...

Function as service:

The moment we use the word ‘method/function’ it means a process, a system. We were always responsible for operating system, run-time/technology  or application where we develop the function.  now the platform provides the ability to expose function as a service without a worry and function trigger can be configured bound to a URL, action or listener. This is more like ABAP functions and platform/run-time maintains everything for you.


Now the question arises why one should move to the cloud platform implies sense of security. Conflict arises by ideals and beliefs. Services to handle vulnerabilities, pen testing, identity and provisioning builds the trust and configuration.

Cloud & Open connectors:

Platform detaches itself into isolation by Connectivity with onPremise using cloud connector. invoking remote process with request and response is pre-built with configurable open connectors. 


Application in my opinion is content made up of data, process and personas all that and more - if you want to go into it. Cloud SDK to extend delivered apps or build from starch on the platform. Define your model, expose as service, add analytics & UI , deploy to cloud foundry.


Most of the applications are pretty identified themselves, we like ourselves it’s kind of fearful thing to think about giving up ourselves. Everybody wants to do what they want to do and we call it freedom, question is what is eco system and if we want to be part of eco system since we have made the eco system platform provides the ability to run on all public clouds like sap, google, ms and aws .


When we ought probe into question of what is intelligence? We think knowledge in brain as intelligence. Being programmed in a certain way because knowledge is limited and there is no complete knowledge about  anything, in the future or now. 

Result is response of data. Data is experience of the application so data is always limited.

Data requires examination, questioning, doubting which is when we use Leonardo foundation 


Everything looks great where do I do and how do I do it , we always turn to specialists and we become slaves of specialists. web ide is the place to start developing software units with less efforts using built in services.

Unified platform: 

I was reminded about deeper issues we are very serious about, application availability, blue-green deployment 

Cloud platform is feeling of wholeness , what does wholeness mean? To be whole implies application application life cycle living on the cloud platform with no fragmentation. Business/developer/architect life Ci/cd/git/CTS/Jenkins/grunt/service broker - a unified platform 

If one understands limitations of the platform today they are limitations of time, platform will evolve as time changes therefore what is important is learning.